I am no stranger to X-Plane - having used it since version 3.67 or thereabouts. I just recently updated to Version 9, including 9.5 or so, then moved up to 9.67 and 9.68. Most of it looks fine, but the last two upgrades, the "other aircraft" which the simulator is supposed to support (up to 11 aircraft) no longer show up, either in the "real sim" or even on the local map. Prior to 9.67, I had no problem with them - in fact, with 11 aircraft, it cut into the framerate enough to cut it down to 5 or 6 on average. I was using VATSIM with it as a communications device. It demands, if one is to see other aircraft, to also have other aircraft open - again, selecting a number between 1 and 11. Again, prior to the last two updates, everything was fine. Now, no other aircraft. I have thrown away the preferences. I have set the number of aircraft at 6. I am still on Version 9.68. I removed the VATSIM to see if that was the situation. It was not. I am using iMac 20" - processor is more than fast enough. Not that it would make a difference, but am using CH yoke and rudder pedals. Is it just me, or do any other people have this problem as well?