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Everything posted by xplanecrj

  1. Airtrack is great. AirNav Pro also is excellent with X-Plane. Laminar's EFIS too.
  2. Tremendous work. Awesome as always. Andy
  3. The CRJ is the best sim aircraft I have ever used. So I have decided to build a Home cockpit inspired by Javier's work. Testing Remote CDU Testing Airtrack App until a better solution presents itself. Starting to make progress now. The things we start... Captains breaker box ready for cleanup and lighting. Back of breaker panel. Beautifully wired. Cheers Andy
  4. I just had to post this message to say thanks. I've been a MSFS user since FS4 and upgraded to the latest version - FSX. Purchased it all, PMDG, Carenado, Photoscenery; every considerable add-on before getting fed up due to every aircraft feeling like the previous one. I bought all these add-ons hoping to find that elusive aircraft; the one that I would keep coming back to. But I never found it. After buying a new 27 i7 imac to get off the upgrade bandwagon for a while, I decided to try X-Plane. I have to say it has taken several weeks to get to where I want it to be, but resisted the urge to download everything I could find. I wanted this to be a little more distinguished, less is more if you know what I mean. Cue XPFR Society sceneries - very good. Rollon's Mentor - Fantastic. Nil's Yak, Hurricane and chopper - Great. Then I downloaded the Duchess. This is it: For me it is perfection. Awesome. The most flightsim fun I have had since FS4. Then I got the Sundowner - just as amazing. Staggering model and textures. I came to X-Plane at exactly the correct time. I believe it has come of age. It has exceeded my expectations and I'm sure it will continue to do so, but only because of developers as talented as you guys. So thanks for restoring my faith in flight simulation and I look forward with anticipation to the Saab and future products. Staggering. Andy
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