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Conan Davis

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Everything posted by Conan Davis

  1. I just actually upgraded from the CHProducts Yolk and Pedals to the Saitek Yolk and Pedals. I can say from personal experience that the CHProducts did the trick and then some. I was very happy with the product even tho my setup was an older set (I had mine for about 5 years before I moved up to the Saitek about a month ago). Not sure price wise if you can but I personally would suggest the Saitek setup. However if the CHProducts is still cheaper and what you can afford I'd say it's still a good investment. I think I saw stated before that they are using spring technology in it which was true, altho they have some new versions out now not sure if they've moved to the Digital setup or not.
  2. I just bought the Saitek Pro Flight Yolk and Pedals and Honestly I love them but I'm with edwin, I don't use the Saitek software as it pretty much crashes on restart of my pc now. Maybe Austin will write in support for the Saitek Modes in a later version. For now I just deal with the No Profiles and one set of buttons. When I did get the software to work initially X-Plane stated doing some strange things (buttons not staying mapped then some of the original X-Plane mapped stuff started working while others didn't) then proceeded to Stop Responding as Windows 7 so nicely puts it now...lol My CHPro Throttles used to do that only with certain aircraft (Top of my head I couldn't remember what ones but they were generally GA Aircraft). I just put it down to them being old and maybe some dirty contacts. Is it happening with all your aircraft or just certain ones?
  3. So far I've heard nothing but good reviews on this plane actually. But I agree with an earlier post. The Incompatibility with FSUID is the biggest hiccup for me. 2 out of the 3 Airlines I fly for use that pluggin. Once that's confirmed fix I'll probably re-consider. I'm a little concerned with my system setup (Quad Core but the cheapest motherboard known to man so half the cpu/gpu is going unused thanks to a *@%^ FSB on it..lol). 60 Bucks is a bit steep to be honest but with everything these days you want quality you pay for it. Simple and from what I've seen (Videos/Screen Shots) this is quality extreme.
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