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About SgtMajor

  • Birthday 11/10/1954

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    Southern California
  • Interests
    Flying, Biking, Sailing, Hiking

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  1. Marino.....I'm brand new to XPlane so perhaps others can answer you better....however, here's my observations so far. I downloaded and installed the X-Plane 11 "demo" and subsequently purchased a short time later. With that purchase, I was given X-Plane 10, so I also installed it. In my opinion X-Plane 11 is far better....almost like an entirely new program. As far as your add-on's......from what I've read, scenery files will install nicely (I haven't read any reports of them not).....however, aircraft may or may not work as well as other add-on's. Hopefully someone more experienced can provide you with more details. Cheers!!
  2. In 100% agreement....I tried X-Plane a VERY long time ago and shy'd away......I too have spent WAY to much on Flightsimming over the years, but heck....it's just money, right? (smile) On a recommendation from several flight buddies...I installed the Beta version and 10 minutes later purchased it. I too am having a lot of fun right now and I'm impressed. I don't fly too many airliners....I'm more of small props, turbo props and vintage stuff. DC3...that would work for me. I am a big fan of PMDG....so was pleased to finally pick up their DC-6. Installed it last evening into XP-11 and it seems to work fairly well....a few issues but nothing earth shattering. I just started on a Pan Am repaint of the 6 (Clipper VIking)...but I need to study up on repaints for X-Plane as it doesn't use the same structure as FSX.....but I'll figure it out. I've always been a Pan Am fan and had the pleasure of traveling Pan Am on several occasions. ALWAYS the best....Really had a way of making you feel they appreciated you. Sure do miss those Long Steak and Champagne flights!! Cheers!!
  3. As they say.....live and learn. I actually am enjoying X-Plane stock weather. I never did ask if v3 would work in V11.....however, I think as X-Plane continues to develop that eventually REX and others will join in too. I've been a LONG Time user of REX and may upgrade eventually. My problem.....with the amount of "add-on's" I purchase for FlightSim over the years I could probably own 2 or 3 third world countries. (smile) I was just looking last evening at my 1Tb storage drive where I ONLY keep my install files for FSX. Let's just say I have just a little over 3GB left of the 1tb. (smile) Hobby's......probably need to get something more productive. (smile) Cheers!!
  4. Hey John......I too wish you could have stopped me. I'm brand new to X-Plane.....if you could look, you'd see I just joined just over a week ago...probably the day before I purchased V3....and several other products. (Saab 340).....(PMDG's DC-6) (Real Weather to use with SMP). I do spend a lot of money...(my choice).....on Flightsim and I think X-Plane has come a VERY long way since the first time I tried it out several years ago.(can't remember exactly when...but have been telling my pal's they really need to check this program out now....it may just be the future to our hobby) I've also been doing this long enough where I HAVE seen developers offer folks who purchased a program within the last 90 days get a "Free??" upgrade. To the newest of products. That usually never applies to me (smile)....when I find something I truly like I purchase immediately with each new version. There are other developers out there that I receive e-mail's all the time with "new and improved" versions of products being put into my account...no charge (MilViz .....is HUGE on supporting their products as well as A2A and many others) So.....Being new to X-Plane and haven't been following the program OR products......I was just asking.......... I'm not berating you guys......I was just saying that I sure didn't see anything on the order page at the time (Which I probably missed.....my fault)......and I bet I'm in a very small percentage that has actually screwed this up........but as developers,.......it just appears that me or my business isn't worth $20 to you. (39.95 - 20 discount......you'd make about 20 bucks) I seriously doubt there are thousands of folks this would effect in the past month let alone the 7 days since my purchase. I also FULLY understand you guys don't make a ton of money on products and believe me, having been involved in some big projects as a beta tester I TRULY understand there are a LOT of very long tedious hours that go into this. So please......I'm NOT trying to get something for nothing......I just asked the question......I don't agree with your decision, however, that's your perogative......no harm no foul....I'm moving on....I think we all should. I'm very sure me choosing NOT to purchase is not going to "break the bank"...(smile)....I wish you and SkyMaxx all the very best....looks amazing!! God Bless!!! Steve
  5. Well....I just received the e-mail that it will be available in a few hours. While I've been a flightsimmer for over 30 years now (I still have my original FS-3 on 5 1/4 floppies....(smile)) I just purchased the X-Plane 11 Beta just over a week ago. Last Saturday...(7 days ago) I purchased SMP v 3.3.2. for the $39.95. I had no idea there was a version 4 coming out within days....or I would have waited. Contacted the developer this morning and inquired.........WOO HOO....He'll knock 50% off the $39.95 for version 4. (Hmmm......) That just doesn't seem right. Okay, okay....before I get blasted with the "The developers can't just give there stuff away etc., etc., etc." I do get it.....I DO understand somewhat. However, I was at least hoping that you get 3 downloads with the purchase.....I've used one........since I have 2 left and I did just spend the $39.95 within the last 7 days, they could at least throw me a bone and give me 1 download or something. At least something more than we'll give you a discount as though I've been using this for months. I guess it's kind of like me walking past a store and seeing something in the window I'd like. I go in and purchase it....and on the way out I see a sales clerk putting a new and improved version in the window.........somehow it just leaves a bitter taste. Well.....Nothing the developer is doing is illegal or wrong.......I just don't think it's very fair, but then again Life isn't fair all the time. For me...........I'm going to pass.....I've already thrown $40 bucks at this guy...... X-Plane looks like it's turning into an OUTSTANDING program.....my bet REX or some of the other developers will be moving over to this platform someday....I'll wait. It is just a game......and 11's clouds don't look that bad to me. There's other developers I'm sure could use my $40 bucks just as well. Cheers!!
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