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sidfadc last won the day on April 16 2018

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  1. Ah I think that’s been my issue, I have been arming it way too early! Good tip to do it when you hear the vertical track call out! Cheers guys will give it a go
  2. Ok guys thanks for confirming!
  3. Hi guys I posted in another thread about VNAV in the climb. This time it’s about VNAV capture at top of descent, no matter what I seem to do the aircraft stays in VPTH on the PFD and won’t go green into VPATH. These are the checks I have done to troubleshoot 1. Ensured the descending altitude at each way point has been confirmed in the FPL. 2. Armed the VNAV button on the AP console way in advance, I think there is a rule where you have to arm with 2 mins of TOD but I always do it way before that anyway. 3. Entered the bottom of descent altitude on the PFD. Every looks good coming up to TOD, I get an aural warning as I approach. I see the arrow on the PFD come down but it doesn’t automatically capture. I always have to chase it with VS and then it captures. Any ideas? I must be doing something wrong can’t figure it out. Cheers
  4. Hi guys Pretty new to the TBM but have done a ton of reading and flying to get up to speed. One question I haven’t found the answer to is around VNAV in the climb, does this work so the plane can fly a SID with AP on and meet the restrictions? Or do you have to do this manually? Cheers
  5. sidfadc

    New owner

    Hi guys Bought this a few days ago really impressed so far. Had 3 flights just getting used to the systems and such around ORBX Florida, immersion is second to none! Cheers
  6. Awesome, I'm not going to ask the "when is it released" question but I will ask "do you have a v2 roadmap" so I can see what features are coming? Thanks
  7. Sorry for all the questions! So I have mapped a button to engage/disengage the tiller. I've found when I have landed I have barely any deflection with the rudder pedals which means I seem to slide left or right off the runway UNLESS I engage the tiller as soon as I land. This is most definitely my sloppy technique but whats the correct procedure on touchdown? Its a bit much when I've landed to engage the tiller immediately when workload is high. Thanks
  8. Hi I don't mean to offend that wasn't my intention, in fact I have had two flights now (albeit very sloppy) and boy is she hot to handle! The outside sound is just a little bit repetitive, the sound doesn't appear 3D like it sounds the same if I'm zoomed out compared to when my nose is on the props. Its just the same drone like sound, inside its much better. Thanks
  9. ok will do thanks
  10. I use X Camera but it conflicts with the interactive checklist views. When I click VIEW on the checklist it snaps to the right view but then returns to a default position immediately. Is there a workaround available? Thanks!
  11. I have read some reviews about how the sounds on the Saab are impressive. For me quality sound cannot be underestimated and personally adds a lot to the immersion factor. Coming over from P3D I think most aircraft in XP are very substandard in that department so was looking forward to seeing what all the fuss is about. After only a couple of short flights granted not a lot, I'm not that impressed. Inside there is a nice rumble to the props when you fire them up but elsewhere I think its pretty lacking. Particularly the outside view. The sound outside the aircraft is the most disappointing. I have the Majestic Q400 on P3D and doesn't really compare. What are other people's thoughts?
  12. I think the moral of your story is this...... Never ever take a new aircraft into the virtual skies on VATSIM/Pilotedge/IVAO. I always do a good few flights offline to iron out those niggles and to at least ensure I am relatively comfortable.
  13. Yes mine is like that, its barely ok in certain light conditions but if a shadow is cast over it its very difficult to read.
  14. Hi guys New user here, bought this yesterday. This could be my issue entirely but the standby frequencies in NAV1, NAV2, COM1, COM2 are really dull, ie not bright enough. I can barely read them, can backup with a screenshot if necessary but is this normal? The active frequencies can be read perfectly easily. I have fiddled with all the internal lights and turned up to max. Thanks
  15. Had a quick play with it last night on the ground configuring cameras and finding my way around. One thing I have noticed is the hefty documentation, particularly the 209 page systems PDF. You can always tell the quality of a simulation by the size of the documentation! Just on my lunch at work....guess what I am reading? Thanks
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