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Posts posted by cfirandy

  1. Quite familiar with all the Air Cond and Pressurization instrumentation but greatly appreciate your in depth explanation and your example.  If you're interested, I'd like to send you a pdf copy of the actual wording contained within the real POH on the subject.  Email me at <randy.passeno@gmail.com> and I'll do just that.

    Now, I'm going to attempt another flight using your recommendations ;)

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  2. Hi friend..so I have a  question:  Most (…if not all) of my flight sim flying history has involved flights less than 12,ooo’ mSL.  However, yesterday I attempted to ‘fly the MU-2 on a long cross country from Michigan to Alabama.  I was attempting to go to fL 20,000, however, shortly after passing 15,000 the whole XP12 computer screen started to slowly black out.  When this happened I realized for the first time that XP or the MU-2 app was illustrating a hypoxia “black out” condition because of either a) lack of supplemental oxygen or b) failure to adjust the cockpit pressurization.  Q: Have you experienced this and if so, how did you correct it?  Thanks in advance..  Randy

  3. Hi 'meierzwo'...sounds like we have rather similar systems/interests ;)   As I'm sure you know, there are several 'duplicated' functions that are available via the Bravo and Octavi.  What I've come to realize is that given the duplicity, I seem to have developed a system flow where I use various functions of each to coordinate my 'flights system management'.  For example, flying the MU-2, even though I have the option to control Vertical Speed via the Bravo, I simply press the "AP" button on the Octavi and control not only my VS (...small knob) but rather the chosen altitude I wish to climb/descent to (...large knob) and use the Bravo to control HDG, NAV and APR.

    Hope all this makes sense ;)

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  4. Greetings from Grand Rapids, MI.  Your query regarding the MU-2 caught my eye in that it is the only aircraft I am currently flying in XP12.  It is the TOGA MU-2 and I fly it with the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo in addition to the Octavi IFR-1.  A great airplane to fly (...plus I have a fellow CFI-I who has over 900 hrs in a full scale MU-2B-25).  Don't know if I can help, but I'm willing to try.

  5. Hi folks - Situation:  Windows / XP12.1.0-rc-2 / TOGA MU-2.  Everything is working fine except one little thing is bugging me.  I show the GTN-750 off to the side which is great for actual use of it.  However, there is a black screen GTN-750 on the actual panel - there is a 750 there but it's like it's powered down.

    I've tried different ways including setting the 750 as a default instrument on the MU-2 settings panel, all to no avail.

    Would certainly appreciate any helpful thoughts or 'fixes' from one of you sharp minded people out there.

    Best regards, Randy

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