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  1. If you are using the Rolon CRJ, that's a huge frame rate eater and has been known to bleed memory. The frame rates evetually come to a complete stop. Had to hanger mine. Waste of 50 bucks.
  2. I updated to XP-10.50rc3 and the live weather data download issues seems to be resolved. Getting the correct, current temps and altimeter settings now. However I occasionally still see abrupt changes in clouds while moving through different weather areas. I thought this was something SMP and WC smoothed out.
  3. After clicking the weather download button on the X-Plane weather page, the METAR.rwx folder is empty or contains old data. The MAXX_METAR.rwx folder has the current data. I will look for the X-Plane 10.50rc3 update. That sounds like the fix I am missing. I hadn't seen anything about that prior to your post. Thanks for the feedback. Cheers
  4. I installed the latest updates for Skymaxx Pro and Weather Connector with the NOAA server updates. When I grab real weather from the web, the new METAR data goes into the Weather Connector or Skymaxx Pro WX folder (can't recall exact file name, I'm not at the Sim computer) but not into the X-plane WX folder. I can cut & paste from one folder to the other and then click "Read Weather" on the X-Plane weather page and the current conditions will appear in the Sim. Under the plug-in drop down list, I have 'update real weather automatically, regardless of what is selected in X-plane weather page'. And I still have Grab Real Weather from the Web selected on X-Plane weather page, too. But no automatic live weather updates so far. It's getting into one WX folder but not the other. Any ideas?
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