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Everything posted by g7usl

  1. How will this appearance look different/better than V3.5?
  2. Get in the XP10 queue.
  3. IXEG is for Version XP Ten. XP11 is not important, yet.
  4. Thank you so much, for being so honest with us. The situation is now more understandable and you are one of very few that take the trouble to inform your loyal customers.
  5. I don't doubt for one minute that It's not an easy thing to predict and until now, I didn't realise that it wasn't classed as finished. Regarding 'less than helpful' beta testers, I would be very willing to assist you in this purpose as I do have the time? Your call.
  6. "It will be ready when It's ready"................. is a rude answer to a perfectly straight and reasonable question. "they were killed by unhappy users when targets were not met"..............................Who are you referring to here? Customers that paid good money for a simulation that isn't finished? If I bought a new car for £15,000 I would be very annoyed if it wasn't perfect. I know that isn't software but it's a comparison so, maybe 'they' have reason to be unhappy? So why brand them as killers? I know that these guys are not PMDG but, some information here would be respected. Customers have paid their money and deserve better explanations than comments that you have decided to answer for them. Is the improvements in beta or are they anywhere near to completing?
  7. Realistically, when can we expect the new update please?
  8. We 'https://www.facebook.com/groups/632813813460412/ are looking for a decent alternative to IVAO.
  9. I see an answer alternetive to TS and Skype but no M/P server. Did I miss something?
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