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Everything posted by mjw8899

  1. Folks, that was it! The thing is, I had previously disabled windows defender but incredibly it turns itself back on! I was able to do the previous route and add the rwy and star inflight with no problems. I apologize for my previous snarky post, I had just become so frustrated but I think we are now at the root of the cause. If you are running Win10, beware that WD will turn on automatically. I am now searching for a way to permanently disable it.
  2. Ok I pulled xsquawkbox out and the same issue. To be specific..Departed EDDF for LTBA. Programmed Ratif5g into FMC on the ground, no issues.. Left the STAR unselected for ISL. Took off with no issues hand flew until around 3000 and then AP engaged, LNAV/VNAV. At cruise, 35000, attempted to program FMC for arrival (as would be typical when weather is not completely known). When I hit rwy 5, sim ground to a halt with FPS under 1. I couldn't even select the STAR. System: AMD FX6300 16 GB GTX970 Running Skymaxx pro, RWC, and using FSGRW for weather.
  3. Ok, I'll pull xsquawkbox out and try it this morning...its the only thing I haven't done yet. Just to be clear, Jan you have changed the routing inflight with no issues? Marc
  4. This is exactly my point. You cannot fly this plane on vatsim as any changes to the route bring the frames to nearly zero. Note, its not an xsquakbox issue as I get this offline as well. IXEG really needs to fix this before it becomes, like SSG, a forgotten or deleted addon.
  5. This happens to me too, and I don't have antivirus software (use malewarebytes only on-demand). Reliably the FMC is sluggish and becomes unusable in flight. Since I am new to x-plane, I don't really understand what a gizmo "soft-crash" is, but the sluggish FMC degenerates to being completely non-functional with FPS dropping to nearly zero. As is almost always the case, arrival runways change when the approach is nearing. Changing the runway causes the fmc to become at first sluggish and then stop do to low frames. The flight (usually online) is completely wasted. Despite all the glowing reviews of this aircraft, the ixeg 733 is unusable without a functional FMC. The broken VNAV, I can work around, but the inability to change STARS or landing runways is, frankly, inexcusable. This was an expensive aircraft, comparable to the price of the premium pmdg aircraft. Currently the fmc is NOWHERE near the functionality of the one in that aircraft and a huge disappointment. What astonishes me, is that in your beta-testing, these fmc issues MUST have surfaced, and yet you released and charged this large and increasingly unreasonable price for a plane that wasn't completely ready for prime time. For the present I will await your fixes, but I am not optimistic after how many years? I like the look, the feel and in general the overall xplane experience. But for now, PMDG remains the standard of airliner simulation despite the 10-year old platform and the inferior graphics. I am not in the habit of being the beta tester for a supposedly finished product.
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