As Javier already pointed out, the CRJ is not an Airbus. It is not a "gear in, autopilot in, coffee in"-aircraft. First difference you will notice - the CRJ has no autothrust. So there is no way it can perform automatic VNAV climbs or descends. And it is not CAT3 certified, that means it can not perform autolands. The FMS can do all the things for lateral navigation that you want: SIDs, airways, STARs, APPRoach TRANSitions,... and you can of course do stuff like change the APP and STAR inflight because the VATSIM controller tells you the wind direction has changed. What you can't do is put VNAV on and leave the plane while fetching coffee. The real CRJ FMS has only very limited advisory capabilities, and they are, as the naming suggests, only advice, never carried out by the plane itself in an automatic way. I decided to not implement most of the advisories for now. Simply because we wanted to release the plane well inside this century. So please be careful with PMDG comparisons - the CRJ is not going to be the PMDG MD-11 for X-Plane. You will be able to fly the CRJ according to normal procedures - and you are going to have some really nasty experiences if you don't follow the normal procedures. But you won't find abnormal procedures modeled to a degree like the PMDG folks do these days. Keep in mind they worked on the MD-11 for five years or more. Cheers, Philipp