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Everything posted by MachTuck

  1. yes, also this has stuck around through several updates. Everything else seems normal.
  2. Landing gear transit in replay causes havok... rattling sounds, application crash 80% of the time. I searched in the forum but I didnt see any topic. Is anyone else experiencing this? is there a fix? Thanks!
  3. What are all of the options for FMC database updates? are there any free resources? thanks in advance!
  4. Jesus... would have never thought about that. Thank you!
  5. (1) Running Ixeg 1.1 (2) On flight with LNAV / VNAV active. Any attempt of new CDU entry after established in-flight causes sim to lag massively ( like pan to the left, get left view 5 seconds later massively) I was attempting to change the target altitude and speed for a waypoint on the legs page. The sim does not quit, and no error message however there is no way to continue like this and it has to be shut down manually. Any idea what could be going on?
  6. Right.. Thanks Jan, anthony. I was asking because I did not even see any indications of a hot start on the EGT Let me try it again with a lower N2... I did not try it THAT low.
  7. Greetings all, new guy here. This product is outstanding. I was wondering if there are any planned updates dor the engine performance model? For example, I have tried to hot start the engine intentionally by spooling on low duct pressure (below the AFM limitations) and I observe normal ignition. Normal ignition also occurs when spooling with a fuel lever out of cutoff before engaging the starter solenoid. Also, wondering if exceeding max tailwind component effects would be implemented for engine start. Understandable if the developers opt to exclude certain things that might cause headaches for novices, but it would make for an interesting demonstration tool.
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