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Posts posted by arno54

  1. Hello,

    I'm not absolutely certain to understand you (sorry I'm french and speaking english is not very easy to me) but if what you want is the disc of a prop as it appeared in earliest screenshots, that is no problem, because that was still the default one provided by Xplane "out of the box". I will explain to you in private how to set this default image - that is really very easy.

    Hope this answer the question... :-D

  2. OK!!!!

    Perfect screenshot + explanation of the situation when it was taken + no speculating about a bug + admitting you MIGHT be doing something wrong = now I can help really help you (and thank you for your adult description of what must be quite a frustrating matter of fact!!!)

    Here it is : there are 2 misunderstandings, one is "my bad" the other is "your bad".

    First : the messages. They do not state you're frying the engine , but that you're at maximum allowable temperature, that is, these are perfectly normal conditions! On this screenshot, you display around 200-205°C, which is NOT harmfull (yet). But your engine is nonetheless clearly ABOVE IDEAL temperature (150°C), so your instructor gives you  an usefull tip so that you can take usefull action : "take care, this is the maximum. Above 210°C, the engine WILL take damages". These two informations are labelled "| TIP |". If the engine was actually taking damage, the message would be be much more severe, and labelled  "| !!!!!| caution ", for instance :

    "|!!!!!| CAUTION : Engine is seriously overheated"

    But as you know you're allowed up to 210°C almost infinitely and up to 225°C for a short period, on this screenshot, all is normal.

    Now what happens? As you read the tip, you think : "What ? Already overheating ? Damned ! I have to cool down the engine before it fries ! " And you lower MP and RPM. But what is the result of that ? Let's see.

    The temperature of the engine is the result of = its heating + it's cooling.

    Heating is generated by high MP and/or high blower and/or high RPM.

    Cooling is generated by.... AIRSPEED ONLY ! The cowl flaps just allow air flow to breeze onto the radiators. The relative airspeed is needed high to have the cowl flaps efficient.

    So, decreasing rpm and mp, you DO generate less heat, but as well, you stop cooling, resulting in more heat, resulting in more warnings, and so on... until the engine catches on fire.

    So, first of all, care the label of the messages.

    TIP is just an information, something that as a pilot you should be aware of and know by heart, such as "don't pull stick before 75kts on take-off".

    CAUTION is when you are actually bursting a limit.

    WARNING is when something has broken or is really about to break.


    If your engine comes to be at "max allowable temperature" (unavoidable on climbing and take off and carrier landing) : don't try and generate less heat, first try and generate more cooling ! First of all : gain speed ! level flight, decrease rpm - maybe enter a very light descent to help accelerate, then open cowl flaps. Try and never fly below 150kts, below, cowl flaps are much less usefull.  Keep an eye open onto the cylinder head temperature gauge : been in the green zone - even high in the green doesn't harm the engine.

    - Above 250kts, it's almost impossible to overheat the engine.

    - Below 135kts, it's almost impossible to cool it.

    Actually I guess you have trouble because you are TOO carefull :-) If you'd just fly away full speed, low rpm, everything would go just fine... at least about temperatures obviously !!! 

  3. Just checked out : the Gyro is really "stucked" onto the horizon, no problem to me.

    If you did not mistake (We all do some times!) can you send me a screenshot where I can see the horizon and the instrument, so as to make sure we're speaking of the same thing? I can't exclude there are errors, and if there are, I'll obviously correct that for the update.

  4. Hello

    >> If by "Gyro" you mean the artificial horizon... haven't checked meanwhile but that would be a HUGE thing! I'm going to check this out in the next  hour anyway.

    >> I'm going to prepare you a charts pack - Could take one or two days - I hope that sounds convenient to you.

    >> No, I did not fly it, I am much too young for this. And my aeronautic experience is enclosed in some tens of hours on GA. And yes it was heavily beta-tested by a former pilot - probably the most reliable we could have imagined, thousands of hours as a navy pilot, mach2 certified, long-liner civilian pilot for years, XO of an airline compagny (and not a virtual one!!!) ... As discrete a profile as impressive the curriculum !!! A real "sir" of the aeronautic world (who I respectufully salute by the way).

    You'd be surprise to know how some VERY discrete members of the community are IMPRESSIVE poeple when personnaly known !

  5. Actually, yes, you're overlooking something too simple : the throttle. :-D

    This is muuuuch more simple than that : to set 42MP, just push the throttle (around two third)

    While the MP will increase, so will the RPM ; Then the RPM increase will cause a MP decrease, increase throttle !

    Until you set 40-42MP and 2500rpm (rough).

    Now that's the right setting for quick heating of the engine (care not to OVERheat!)

    The press-manifold button you're refering to is needed in only ONE case, when the supercharger is blocked in the HIGH-BLOWER position. In this case, depress the button you're refering to, in order to open  an escape valve (kind of one-use fadec), what will allow you to come back to ground without blasting the shaft (Power is devided by 2).

  6. 1) If you have strong shimmy when loading carrier catshot situation, you definitely need to set your flight-model-per-frame to be set at least on 2, more if your hardware allows.

    2) The trojan is actually no supposed to be catshotted. She goes by her own means. The catshot takes you off in the air at a speed that is VERY close to flaps destruction.

  7. Elle ne l'est pas.

    Normalement, si la pression hydrau tombe, l'hélice se bloque en plein grand pas, mais comme le gouverneur d'hélice cède presque toujours avant le moteur, dans la quasi-totalité des hypothèses l'hélice se bloque en position courante.

    Le trojan a les facultés  de planeur d'une enclume.

  8. As the T28-C V1.1 is now online, I did clean up this topic and let it open so that it's of use for the current version.

    Please make sure you have properly updated your bird before you post a request, in case you have purchased before Saturday June, 25th.

    You can make sure you have the last version simply by looking at the low-left corner of your screen in Xplane you should see :

    VERSION  [17/6/2011]-[V1.1.d] blinking for 10 seconds after loading the plane.


    The Feathering of the propeller doesn't work.


    The propeller is not featherable. It is supposed to automatically go full coarse when the engine fails, but actually as the engine is failing and loosing power the governor goes fine pitch to compensate : when finally the governor fails too, the propeller itself is locked onto fine. So, in most of the cases, the propeller will go HIGH RPM if the engine fails, generating tons of drag. This makes the Trojan a VERY poor glider.


    The "PRESS FOR MANIFOLD PRESSURE" Button won't set MAP to 42


    Well, actually, that's true, but it's false to consider this is a flaw or a bug. This button is simply an "push-to-release" valve, that will let you lower the MAP even though the Blower is damaged and in the "high-blower" position. You're not supposed to touch this :-) If you do, CARE YOUR ENGINE SETTINGS ! You could sieze the engine VERY quickly.


    The Field Of View buttons doesn't work.


    Actually, this is not ordered through the plugin, it's a very classical, simple, traditionnal "manipulator". So there is no way it can crash or bug. Nonetheless, if you can't have it activated, it's 99% likely you have a plugin that drives the views, anyhow. FOV plugin, Camera Plugin, and so on, can write "on the fly" what the manipulator writes, making it useless. Now you have a choice : or give up the manipulator because your current system fits you, or disable this plugin when you fly the Trojan. It actually makes no difference, as the FOV buttons have no input into the T28's plugin. Up to you ! :-)

    Exteriors bulbs won't light up!


    The "ext" switch needs to be "on" for the outside of the plane to be provided with electricity.

    Edit : If Cameron ever goes by : you are allowed to edit this so as to translate in English !!!

  9. Ok, I've just had a long conversation with Khamsin about this problem.

    Here is what we endly stated : it MIGHT be possible to have a 100% realistic one.

    BUT !

    1) Not quite sure. It requires we develop a new technic specially for this, I THINK (only THINK) I can handle this, but I have to do a lot of try-and-guess first, to make sure it is doable.

    2) In any case, it would be a LOT of work. Which means a long time.

    3) Right now we already have a LOT of work, as were working hard on... something else.

    4) So it is unlikely this one will be done shortly. Not unlikely : it will not be done shortly. But the idea is interesting and is printed quite high on our to-do list.

    5) The technic it would require MIGHT not be compatible with V10. Considering the time it would take to develop prototypes, then go for realiztion, there is a risk this work turns unuseful before it is ended, what cold us in going into it.

  10. That's it :-D The plane is ready for several days, but as you might be aware of, there's been some issues with the Nimitz vs the *org store, which indirectly complicated things, and there is stuff going on with the B17 as well, and Cameron is on the other side of the world, so he sleeps when I'm working and vice-versa, now there is a storm that delays his plane and prevent him from clicking the "send" button...

    Well, all of these does not really matter :-) We're not counting weeks, nor even days, but hours. How many, I don't know, honestly, but hours anyway.

    I'm quite sure you will survive this wait ;-) Be sure Khamsin and I are more anxious than you are ! It's our first release, not intended to be the last (but chuuuuuut...top secret) and we really do anything humanly possible to have it done right, done fast, for pleased customers.

    I swear ! We haven't give up !

  11. You have been warned. :)

    I was not aware of that, thanks for warning - And thanks to Carlos for providing the useful link to a working exemple.

    There is a huge potential behind that functionnality.

    Never mind, I'll now go for gl drawings and see what kind of cool stuff I can have from that :-)

  12. Hello all,

    could possibly someone provide me with the simpliest working example for particules?

    I'm getting mad trying to understand why this doesn't work :

    function test()
    particles.setEnabled( mystest )
    particles.setOrigin( mytest, 0,0,0 )
    particles.setBirthRate( mytest, 10 )
    particles.setColor( mytest, 1,1,1,1 )
    particles.setType_Spherical( mytest )
    particles.start( mytest )
    sound.say("particules") -- for testing purposes. Sound doesn't play.

    function OnMouseClick()

    function main()

  13. -- I answer this, because Khamsin doesn't feel very easy in english (worse than me!) --

    The first idea was to supply the users with situations that could enable them to take-off from the boat.

    Using *.sit files.

    These sit. function quite good EXCEPT !!! On dynamic elements such as fregates, carriers and so on... pity.

    It's not useful even with stock aicrafts...

    Furthermore, it's limited to stock plane, as these *.sit must be RECORDED WITH A GIVEN PLANE!!!

    So these *.sit did never work quite well, and I'm affraid there is not much I can do about it... Sorry...

    Thanks for your interest...

  14. A) There will be some performance charts to help with flight planning ?

    Not in the sense you mean it. This kind of plane is not really intended for long navigation, but rather for intense, short training - specially "aerobatics" and carrier training.

    She carries nonetheless a simple but robust autopilot, that would allow a 4 hours-long flight, (Makes quite a long run considering 300kt on fast cruise!)

    But for those who would like to have extensive charts, no problem, we'll give them. As we have several 100° of pages of charts, please just precise what you would like to be provided with.

    :) How realistic is the flight dynamic ?

    VERY. Actually, the plugin ensures the flight enveloppe is observed, as for speeds, climb rate, accelerations and so on. Basically, the only figures one has to know to handle the plane correctly are :

    Top Speed : 343 knots (care the fuel flow!!!)

    reference speed : 59 knots.

    take-off and landing : ~90kts(depending on the payload)

    carrier landing = 105 knots.

    Cruise : 185-225knots

    Climb rate : up to 4200ft/mn...

    Let me know what datas you are interested in, you'll have them.








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