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Posts posted by arno54

  1. I've just done some testing and actually, whatever the plane, it looks like if you are ejected form the bird to outer space when sea-crashing upside-down.

    You can see stars, earth all the holy sky around. At one occasion, it shot me right to CTD.

    Now I'm waiting further details to investigate more - at first glance, the plane itself is not the cause of the bug.

  2. Hi GolfZulu,

    Kinda weird  ???

    As first thoughts, several things comes to my mind.

    - It might be related to the "do-realistic-crash" scripts

    - It might be related to something totally unexpected

    - It might be not related to the plane itself at all...

    and some other thoughts.

    Here is what I suggest :

    First of all, make sure this don't happen with an other plane : please take any plane, do some deliberate sea-crashes and confirm. Redo with the trojan, and confirm.

    Does this happen 100% of the time, or, some times ? If so, how often ? 1/2, 1/10, 1/100 ?

    Can you please post your log.txt and crash.txt here as it is generated immediately after it occured and before you reload the sim ?

    I'm gonna look on my side what could possibly explain this.

  3. Opposite to what he seems to think, James Hartfield is NOT part of the support team.

    Thread isolated not not let other's users question be pollutated.

    I'm definitely against censure or erasing the threads. But other's poeple don't have to support this inside their own communications.  Topics are "locked" by "mutual" agreement after the question has found an clear answer, so as to make the whole stuff as readable as possible.

    Please restrain to polute poeple's question. Now, you have your own thread, fill it as much as you want.

    If this is not enough to have you respect other's, we (I) will go a step further.

  4. I have a few hours actually flying a T-28 Fennec in addition to about 8000 hours flying other machines.

    Nice to meet you, I have a few hours flying GA's... and that's all :-D

    I'm probably going to be a pain in the ass as a stickler for details that can't be easily solved but here it goes

    You are not. Your remarks are articulated and constructive, so to me it sounds quite positive.

    I'm not able to accurately reproduce the start sequence. In the real airplane the engine is started with the mixture set to idle cutoff. Ther engine is turned through several blades using the started then the mags are turned on and the primer is held on untill the engine starts. only then is the mixture advance to auto rich. The primer can be released only after the engine is running smoothly without holding the primer switch.

    We are perfectly aware of this "flaw". There is a very simple fact to consider : you have only one mouse pointer on your screen, when you need both hands in the real stuff. Thus the choice.

    I'm not sure if this will be impossible to reproduce in x-plane but it would add a lot to the simulation of starting a big round.

    Yes it definitely would be. Actually I dare say that as for coding, it would be extremely simple. BUT ! 1 user out of 2 would come here and say "this damn thing doesn't want to start!", because in this case realism is quite counter-intuitive. From the first day on, we announced this was not a procedural bird, but a fun one.

    Well, I guess I could quite easily implement a hidden function "I'm a real pilot" who would be 99% realistic. (How many users would switch to such a mode? Agree with me it can be asked...)

    This brings me to my second point. The carburator in the real a/c is an automatic type. it only has three detents: Idle cutoff, Auto Lean, and Auto Rich. In the simulation it is operating like a normal carburator.

    Same as above. That's not a "flaw", it's just a choice to keep things quite simple. As above, it could be done quite quickly and easily, but I'm 99% sure nobody would use this function.

    The manifold pressure drain is working backwards and should be a momentary type of button rather than a toggle type.
    What do you mean "backwards?" I'm not sure I understand it. As for the toggle, if you mean this button is supposed to come back to it's place spontaneously, I did not know it, but I can fix this for the coming patch - provided you tell in the next hours because the patch is 99% done.
    The fuel valve doesn't turn off the fuel. In the actual airplane the sound of the electric fuel pump is much more noticeable when it's switched on.

    Yes... this handle is supposed to have 2 functions at once, fuel boost pump and fuel shut-off. Here, it's only the first. Always procedures vs fun. I will think of this and consider what to do about this - but don't take for granted I'll implement this, I'll just THINK of it right now - anyway it's too late for the coming update. I'll tell you for the following one. I would need to HEAR a sound that could credibly be the sound of the pump, if you have any link where I could hear such a sound, I'll try and do my best for V1.2 - Too late for the V1.1.b that is almost out.

    While on the noise topic, the rotating beacons are rather noisy as well and turning the switch on before the engine is running would cause a noticeable ruckus.

    Exactly the same that above. Take your time, find a sound (whatever it is) that is credible in the context so that I have an idea of what it should sound like, I'll do the necessary.

    Adding sounds is no problem and any sound-to-event that might be suggested is welcome.

    The actual a/c performance seems too good. I seem to recall a cruise of about 210 knots using 30-20 for power.

    That might be related to "perpetuum mobile" bug. Fixed now, even though you don't have the fix yet.

    Don't let any of that make me sound too negative! It a fantastic airplane and I love simming it. :D Great work you guys and thank you very much for all your hard work.
    You welcome, it's cool to hear you say so. Your points are taken - unfortunately they will not ALL be included in the coming release, but I'm confident we can include most in the next one.



  5. 1) The gear IS limited to 155-165kts, more than you request, more than the real thing. What brakes the gear is not speed, it's Gforce. The catshot launches you at around 145-150 kts at the end of the deck, 110kts if you pull.

    2) I barely see what is uncomfortable in pulling the stick for take-off? I'd say, that's the usual way a plane takes-off...

    3) I'm thinking of a way to protect the gear from catshot strengh.

    4) None of your two options looks to be realistic, because, believe it or not, you are not the only one to use that plane and to date, 99% of the users succeed in catshoting in a perfectly normal way..

    Separate note :

    You have posted 6 support requests out of the 17 questions currently listed from 13 forum threads. You, alone, out of all customers joined. no comment.

  6. Oh! Yes, sure :

    it's actually done and being tested . It's a matter of days, if everything goes fine, I HOPE to have it online for the Wek-End.

    Here is the change-log as it is right now (could be slighty modified)


    FIXED :

    - Fixed bug "Perpetuum mobile"

    - Fixed bug "dead generator"


    - Engine sounds stop when Xplane enters pause mode

    - Engine sounds are now "spacialized"

    - Improved Radii of Gyration (Thanks to Lukasz for his suggestions)

    - Improved electrical consumptions calculations

    - High altitude power and ceilings tuned

    NEW :

    - Version displays on the low-left corner of the screen for 10 seconds

    - One can switch back to learning mode without reloading the plane : menu/plugin/Gizmo/scripts/Virtual Flight Instructor

    - DEBBUG MODE for better customer support can be enabled or disabled on demand (generates a log.file that logs all flight-related data)

  7. Hi Eurotic,

    to the question "Do i need to buy the carrier again to have support? " I have to admit I'm not quite sure what your question actually is. Imagine you speak to a 4yo kid - that's all about my level in english I guess. What support do you need about the Nimitz?

    to the question "Any plans on making updates " I can give quite a simple answer : as far as I know : no. At least, not in the immediate future

    It's possible indeed that one day Khamsin wakes up and "let's update that!" but there is, to date, no plan for it.

  8. There's something odd with the generator, it's gonna be fixed in the update.

    As for electricals :

    This is the "old-way" stuff.

    The engine powers the generator

    The generator powers the battery and the instrument panel and the second bus.

    The battery powers the first bus.

    The first bust powers the nav. console through an inverter (2 in the real plane, 1 in the sim)

    the second bus is cross-tied ("ext" switch) to the first bus and has no individual power source.

    this cross-tie, too,  acts like a circuit-breaker for bus 2 against generator power.

    In other words, you need  :

    the battery to be ON and the inverter to be on for the nav.console to be powered.

    the batterie and/or the generator to be on and the "ext" switch to be on for the lights and pitot heat to be powered.

    Most of the instruments are self-powered : that's the case of all engine probes.

  9. What do you think might happen when a 90kg propeller is given 1400hp of torque in less that 1 second? This is not a DR400, but a plane that was serviced to train will-be jetfighter pilots... The ratio power vs weight is superior to what most former jetplane could offer.

    The behaviour you describe is perfectly normal.

    Fly with the Virtual Flight Instructor for a while before you try and push the bird to the limits, he'll keep on saying "NEVER set less than 25MP when flying under 150kts", and "105 kts for carrier landing." 105 is not 90 nor 80...

    This will NOT be modified in the update, sorry  :)

    That's just the way the plane is : tremendously powerfull... It requires a lot of training to be mastered...

  10. Bug is confirmed to be identified and fixed. Believe it or not, it occurs I can't count up to 2, that was the problem (not kidding). Too stupid :-)

    An update is on its way - So unless someone wants to add something on this matter, I'll close this thread in some hours.

    You're sincerely invited to come back and make any remark-suggestion-claim you might have. Once again, there might be flaws, no denying that. But I'll do my best to have anything up and running, because I want you to spread the word we're trustworthy ;-)

    Have fun !

  11. Great to hear you have it all fixed :-)

    So now I can close this I guess.

    If you have any question or remark or suggestion, do not hesitate to come and ask.

    - I close the topic, not to shut you :-) but to avoid there is several subjects in one single thread, so that everybody can read clear support topics. Thanks for your input anyway, and : HAVE FUN ! ;-)

  12. Hello,

    Just wondering if you can move the cowl flaps switch

    Well... no  ;D That's just where they are. You know, that's a very big machine, it requires a bit of anticipation, because you're right : this switch is in a d***ed place. Or you can set a joystick/keybord shortcut, that's very convenient, specially for carrier landing, in association with shortcuts for elevator and aileron trim, and speedbrake.

    Also the checklist html stops with landing at 120 KIAS, think some items are missing, like landing speed,

    Yes. All that is procedural has been removed, as the Virtual FI tells about everything one needs to know. We may extend the CL, but they are already 95% to the actual ones. For carrier landing, if your navigation console is set to carrier mode (button carrier on Nav1), the VFI will give you all items of the check-list in real time. Obviously it needs to be so quick that it's impossible to read a paper list, so just listen to him and redo, until you know by heart !

    If I have ONE advise to give : cool your engine as much as possible before carrier landing, and catch the ILS at least 2 miles aways. This will give you time to do whateve is needed. Speed : 105kts.

    Glad to hear you like her.

  13. Hello,

    I cannot find a switch to slave the gyro compass, on the Mentor there is a RMI  switch which slaves the compass,

    Sorry, I don't understand. Slaving the gyro compass to what? The RMI is static. I don't get it at all, can you please explain in detail (with screenshots for instance) what you really mean?

    I see there is a standby compass switch that does not toggle

    Where ?

    Also the field of view buttons do not work, it is stuck on wide.
    They do work. Probably you have a plugin or harware that interfer with those. Send me your log.txt so that I can see exactly what loads and shoudn't ;-)
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