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  1. Wow, great feedback. I'll give it a shot and let you know how it goes. Thanks.
  2. Definitely sounds well above my pay grade! Well if you end up finding something please let me know. Additionally if there are any fixes or tests you'd like to run, let me know and I'll gladly help in any way I can. Obviously my SR22TN is grounded until you all figure something out! For the record, here are the stats of my Mac Studio: Apple M1 Ultra with 20-core CPU, 48-core GPU, 32-core Neural Engine 64GB unified memory
  3. For what it's worth (and apparently, not much) I used the uninstall program and then reinstalled the package as well as updated to the latest XP12 release. Unfortunately, the same outcome. The standard SR22 loads and flys fine. The SR22TN continues to demonstrate the same curious behavior and freezes XP12. Not much more to go on, sorry. But I thought I'd at least eliminate that sequence from being something to try.
  4. Unfortunately that didn't do the trick. I deleted the TN_State.txt file and still had the same result. Here are the latest logs. Thanks again for your help! Log.txt TN_TN System_2023-07-04.txt TN_TN System_2024-07-24.txt NA_State.txt TN_Tires and Brakes_2024-07-24.txt TN_TKS System_2024-07-24.txt TN_Oxygen System_2024-07-24.txt TN_Fuel System_2024-07-24.txt TN_Engine_2024-07-24.txt TN_Engine Accessories_2023-07-04.txt TN_Engine Accessories_2024-07-24.txt TN_State.txt
  5. First off, thanks so much for your help in troubleshooting this. I'm sorry I'm such a problem child! This error has occurred no matter what airport I'm at. I usually just use "real time" weather but tonight, at your request went to a clear sky with weather and a departure at PMDY. Unfortunately, the results are largely the same. The standard SR22 (G1000) started fine both without engine running and with engine running. The SR22TN (G1000) froze in both instances. The first picture (in the water) is where it froze starting the plane with the engine off, and the 2nd is the frozen screen when starting with the engine running. Again, I appreciate anything you can help with. For what it's worth, I have a number of purchased planes in my library and all of them are fine with the exception of the SR22TN. Thanks again, Marty TN_TKS System_2024-07-24.txt TN_Tires and Brakes_2024-07-24.txt TN_Oxygen System_2024-07-24.txt TN_Engine_2024-07-24.txt TN_Fuel System_2024-07-24.txt TN_Engine Accessories_2024-07-24.txt Log.txt TN_Engine Accessories_2023-07-04.txt TN_TN System_2023-07-04.txt TN_TN System_2024-07-24.txt NA_State.txt TN_State.txt
  6. However this is interesting. I've only been trying the SR22TN (G1000) as that closest matches what I have access to in real life. I just loaded the standard SR22 (G1000) and that starts up fine both with and without the engine running. So this behavior is confined to the SR22TN on my system.
  7. The same issue happens regardless of how the option is checked. I thought that might make a difference as well but it doesn't. I was going to send a log file for each scenario but since the outcome was the same, I didn't.
  8. Here is the log.txt file and the SR22 folder. Behavior was a bit different and replacatible. The plane started up and started an engine fire. It asked me if I wanted a new flight or to continue. So this is the first that it actually didn't freeze XP12. I have no idea why this new behavior has started. I restored my Mac to see if that would change anything and this new behavior continued. I should note that yesterday I actually got the plane to open and fly. I used a windowed version and loaded the default C172 first. Then the SR22 and was able to get it to load and change the screen size to full size. I thought that was the trick so that was the technique I started with today but that's when I was getting the total freezes as illustrated above. Thanks again for your help with this. It is MUCH appreciated. Log.txt
  9. When my SR22 2.1.1. loads, the screen literally shows the window with the plane upside down, sometimes looking at asphalt, sometimes it has a window that says "Tire Blown" but the XP12 application is frozen. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi Tom, That would make some sense that there needs to be other "setup" information entered first but the Tutorials don't show that. I will have to test that out. I'll let you know! Marty
  11. Hi, I apologize for asking what is likely a very simple question. I have gone through both the Flights 1 & 2 Tutorials and appear to be following all of the sequences. When I am programming the FMC, I press the INIT REF button. I will enter the ZFW, Reserves and Cruising Altitude but the EXEC light never comes on. Can you suggest something I am missing? I have attached a video file of me doing that... I apologize for it being jittery but you can definitely see what's going on. Thanks in advance. IMG_0535.MOV.mov
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