First off, thanks so much for your help in troubleshooting this. I'm sorry I'm such a problem child!
This error has occurred no matter what airport I'm at. I usually just use "real time" weather but tonight, at your request went to a clear sky with weather and a departure at PMDY.
Unfortunately, the results are largely the same. The standard SR22 (G1000) started fine both without engine running and with engine running. The SR22TN (G1000) froze in both instances. The first picture (in the water) is where it froze starting the plane with the engine off, and the 2nd is the frozen screen when starting with the engine running.
Again, I appreciate anything you can help with. For what it's worth, I have a number of purchased planes in my library and all of them are fine with the exception of the SR22TN.
Thanks again,
TN_TKS System_2024-07-24.txt
TN_Tires and Brakes_2024-07-24.txt
TN_Oxygen System_2024-07-24.txt
TN_Fuel System_2024-07-24.txt
TN_Engine Accessories_2024-07-24.txt
TN_Engine Accessories_2023-07-04.txt
TN_TN System_2023-07-04.txt
TN_TN System_2024-07-24.txt