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  1. Feeling a tad bit clueless here, but I'm not sure I understand :/ Think I get the runway centerline causing the "kink" that isn't actually flown, just confused still on the direction of the turn. Is that also because of the centerline?
  2. Noticed that on a few missed approaches the FMS path doesn't quite match up with the missed approach instructions on the chart. An example would be the ILS 25L into KLAS, where the missed APP commands a climb to 3100 before turning right* direct BLD VORTAC and continue climbing in hold to 7000. But the FMS 1) shows a left turn and 2) the flight path has a "kink" in it instead of just going direct BLD? KLAS ILS 25L - https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/1607/pdf/00662IL25L.PDF Not sure if this is a bug or something also present on the real plane (ie the database doesn't have info about "direction" of turn, only the waypoints), in which case I'm assuming LNAV isn't used for missed APPs?
  3. Hmm, actually it wouldn't let me delete anything from the climb page. I fiddled around some and hitting delete + the right LSK (next to the speed / altitude) worked for me. I was confused because I didn't realize that deleting the restrictions for the next waypoint would also reset the waypoints after that up to the cruise level. It did also seem to delete all the speed restrictions as well, so I'm assuming that either you have to re-enter those manually or there's a way to only delete the altitudes and not speeds that I'm missing... PS - I was planning to test this later, but thought I would also put it here. I'm assuming since holds aren't a part of v1, the FMS also won't be able to do procedure turns on an approach? An example would be the ILS 20R at KSNA, where there's a teardrop reversal at SAGER. The FMS does draw the hold, but I'm assuming it doesn't know how to fly it? KSNA ILS 20R - https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/1607/pdf/00377IL20R.PDF
  4. Yea I actually mentioned the "it's on the chart but not the narration" thing over on the pilotedge forums. I was tempted to just delete WAMMY completely from the legs page tbh, but I wasn't completely sure about the FAA regs on this one so... I'll probably end up completely disregarding WAMMY; just wanted to double check this wasn't a bug that would reappear once I try other intercepts.
  5. One more thing If I'm on a SID and I get cleared to an altitude unrestricted, is there a way I can delete the altitude restrictions on the FMC or do I just have to manually climb to the altitude before reengaging VNAV?
  6. Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but I'm pretty sure the FMC is a bit off when intercepting radials on SIDS. I have a picture attached below showing the Offshore 9 departure out of KSFO - the intercept point appears to be a few miles after WAMMY, instead of before it. Then the plane wants to try and turn back to overfly WAMMY instead of just continuing to SEGUL. I'm using AIRAC 1607, so I doubt its the nav data? Am I doing something wrong (I entered this SID just like I did for every departure previously) or is this a bug? https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/1607/pdf/00375OFFSHORE.PDF https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/1607/pdf/00375OFFSHORE_C.PDF
  7. Thanks a lot Jan, that was really informative. I appreciate all the time you're putting in to answer all these questions! Greatly appreciated!
  8. Cheerios guys, thanks for the time. To be completely honest, I kind of wasn't any replies at all, so muchas gracias!
  9. Hey guys, I just finished all of the included tutorial flights for the 733, but I had a few questions that I would prefer to get clarification on before taking the plane online. There's a whole (metric) ton of confusion here (I'm new to glass cockpits in general - been using VORs for as long as I can remember), so I just decided to list them below (yes I checked online for manuals and stuff first...) - any help would be *greatly* appreciated. I'm a tad bit confused about the mcp speed setting on takeoff. I know you're supposed to set it to V2, but I read something online talking about the autopilot automatically pitching for V2+15? I thought the autopilot would attempt to hold V2 until the acceleration height, when the speed automatically increases? Also, if that is true and the autopilot will try to hold V2, why would the pilot not enter V2+15 into mcp before departure for the maneuvering speed? During a descent along a profile STAR, if ATC gives me a shortcut and unplanned descent, then tells me to resume the arrival, after coming out of VS/LVL CHG would I be able to just reactivate VNAV and LNAV or do I have to manually fix something in the fmc first? I know that when descending, LVL CHG, VNAV, and VS won't go below the altitude selected on the mcp, but on final approach when you're dialing in the missed altitude into the mcp it continues the descent? Does the mcp altitude being a "hard barrier" not apply if you manually adjust it up? For T/C and T/D, why don't the green arc and the actual circle on the flight path in map mode line up? The arc will just continue to get closer to the circle until they're on top of each other - they both seem to be accurate. I'm assuming this is because of the way the arc and the T/C and T/D circles are calculated in relation to the aircraft's position, but I'd like to figure out why it does that. On the top left of the EFIS display, where it shows --.- NM, what would that be showing? Is it one of the un-modeled systems (couldn't find a mention of it on the un-modeled systems post)? I'm assuming it's something I'm doing wrong, but I'm not sure - I don't think it ever showed a number throughout the tutorial flights. While VNAV is flying an approach, why does the speed go from fmc speed to armed (i.e. during the last tutorial flight). I know LVL CHG would cause the auto throttles to go into the armed state, but if VNAV is still controlling the vertical profile (i.e. I haven't disengaged it yet), why would it change to armed? I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think it may have gone back into fmc speed mode again after being armed for a few seconds (something happened that cause me to put my "404: does not compute" face on...) For the descent page in the fmc, E/D ALT from what I could find online means end of descent altitude? But if my mcp setting is around 5000, how is the end of descent at 1400? Also, next to the flight path angle why are there 2 vertical speeds? And under "TO CBY" I have no idea what the 1719.8z means... Curiosity Questions I know you can't have both the weather and terrain radars overplayed on the EFIS display at the same time (though in the real 733 I think you can have wx on one side and terrain on the other?), but I was just wondering how the plane knows which one of the two I want displayed if both switches are in the on position? I'm assuming it just displays the one that I turned on last, but if that's the case, why doesn't the plane just turn the switch for the other one off? I know that practically there's no use for the wipers when you're not taking off or landing (the rain is just blown off and the wipers are quite* annoying), but is there any physical restriction for the 733 that says the wipers shouldn't be operated above a certain threshold? On the climb page of the FMC, the engine out option doesn't seem to do anything when I clicked it? Is it just not modeled, or am I just doing something wrong? I know you can't arm / activate LNAV until 400 agl in the -300. Is it the same altitude for VNAV? Possible Bugs? Pretty sure 1016 millibars = 30.00 inches mercury, but the plane shows 30.01 (sue me for being a perfectionist) Did anyone actually read this far?
  10. Hi Jan, Thanks for the help. That clarifies a lot in terms of the two autopilot channels. I was wondering if it was SOP for certain airlines to switch from CMD A to B for easier tracking of VORs? I noticed in the tutorial flights that you used the heading mode to track VOR 2 using the FO's PFD. Are there risks to switching channels like that? I'll try reproducing the LVL CHG glitch either tonight or tomorrow night. After the speed went AWOL I reset and tried the flight again and it worked fine, so it may be a one time thing; don't know if I'll be able to get it to happen again.
  11. Bit of a disclaimer here, I've been flying /W and /A (primarily the 732) for basically my entire simming career up to now, so all the automation is new to me. I got the 737 yesterday, and I was going through the tutorial flights to learn all the new systems before taking it online. I finished the second tutorial flight today, but I noticed that in-flight the master light for the flight directors went out, and I couldn't get it to come back on again (turned what was previously the master FD off, turned both off, turned only 1 on, etc). Just wanted to confirm that's supposed to happen? Also, I'm a little confused about CMD A vs CMD B on the autopilot. I had always thought that they were just two different channels - they could do the same thing, but there are 2 in case one fails, and both are always slaved to the master flight director. But today I was in VOR/LOC mode with CMD A active and tracking a radial outbound from Nav 1, and I switched over to CMD B just to play around with the buttons again. The plane banked right and looked like it was trying to intercept the course I had inputted for Nav 2. I read something in the tutorial documentation that CMD B can't track Nav 1, but wouldn't that just revert to CWS-R? Why did it start tracking Nav 2? Wouldn't I have to set the First Officer's FD to master first for that to happen? Also, if for some reason I feel like flying using VORs and I wanted an easy transition, could I theoretically switch from tracking the Captain's nav source to the First Officer's nav source by just turning off the captain's FD? That should switch the First Officer's to master, meaning the autopilot would then track Nav 2? I get a feeling these are somewhat stupid questions, but any help would be appreciated... Note - Also, I had a weird glitch earlier where I hit LVL CHG to start descending and the speed somehow got set ridiculously high (as in at the top of the speed gauge - caused an off-the-guage descent rate) before then being set to 50 knots or something really low. I didn't touch the speed dial at all, so I'm almost certain that's a bug unless I did messed something up big time...
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