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    Manchester, UK

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  1. Hi all. I have two computers running X-Plane. Is it allowed to install the IXEG on two machines at the same time? Thanks.
  2. Hi all. I have now managed to be able to do a full flight from start to finish without any major problems. I am a bit confused about Vref speeds though. In the charts manual (page 29) there is some Vref speeds to use for landing. I was around 24,000 lbs so I used flap 20 and the chart gave me a Vref speed of 112 knots. The problem is, if I go anywhere near this speed, the nose attitude is way too high and it feels like it is going to stall. What am I doing wrong? Thanks. Callum.
  3. So it's a semi-airbus with semi-autotrim? I did wonder why it was trimming it's self. i thought I had a ghost in the cockpit at first. Now i know
  4. I'm actually surprised Jet2 have the old steam gauges O_o The inaugural flight was two years ago though in 2014.
  5. oops, my bad. Thanks for the help.
  6. The photo scenery for that area looks beautiful. Maybe I should reserve it for GA flying though. Here is my log anyway. Log.txt
  7. Hi. I was doing a flight from KSAN to KLAS last night on pilotedge. I had KSAN airport scenery, KLAS airport scenery and Las Vegas area photo scenery installed specially for the flight. I had been in cruise for around 15 mins and I got the message 'X-plane has stopped working' and was subsequently dumped back to the desktop. This is the first time X-plane has crashed for me so suddenly and unexpectedly. I am wondering if anyone else has suffered sudden crashed with the IXEG or weather I should point my finger at the photo scenery. Is photo scenery very demanding on resources? Thanks. Callum.
  8. I don't think there are any rain effects on the windscreen on the IXEG. Correct me if I am wrong though.
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