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Everything posted by Acesimulation

  1. Hi all, So for some reason now, My XP11 decided to start crashing upon startup or when I am loading into start a new flight, it will get as far as reading new scenery files. It didn't do this before, But all of a sudden now, it has started to. My specs are: I7 3770K @4.7ghz, 16gb ram, GTX 970. I did a fresh install, Started it up and it worked, Then I installed SMP 4 and RWC, Loaded up to the main screen, Chosen my flight etc, Got as far as reading new scenery files, Then it crashed and there the only 2 things I have installed on my fresh new copy Log is also attached Log.txt
  2. My PC specs: i7 3770k @ 4.2ghz, GTX 970, 16gb ram 2400mhz, It's just when I am in cruise, randomly My FPS drops and locks at 19 fps for some reason. I do use sky max pro : I don't use HD mesh, But I am pretty sure these settings are ok but It shouldn't be dropping FPS ?
  3. Seems to me you dont understand what I am trying to say, Look at this video : When Matt applies 40 % and then full throttle, He doesnt get the sound I get
  4. I understand that, But the videos i have saw, Don't even sound like mine, they are totally different
  5. What sliders ? And I dont think that will solve my issue
  6. I have noticed on some videos of the IXEG takeoff sounds. I know I am not configured for takeoff so please ignore the beeping. I get a total different sound when I put my throttles to 100% to videos I see, It sounds like my sounds are doubling or vibrating feeling more kinda thing. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5g74kad9za6dp2m/2016-05-31-1945-45.mp4?dl=0
  7. So recently My fps on my xplane 10 kept freezing and dropping all the time, up and down and sometimes lock at 19fps. So now I have started to remove plugins and I started with RWC, and I no longer have my issues with what I have been having. So something is deffo wrong Thanks
  8. I have only got gizmo, autogate,python, RWC and SMP tho ?
  9. Ok, it sounds like I have a hidden R2D2 on board my aircraft here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/twnzm1xe8eo0jto/2016-05-11-1423-38.mp4?dl=0 Also with my reverse thrust in the cockpit, mine sound different to other peoples which I dont know why. Thanks
  10. I went to an airport in xplane10 with bad weather, high winds etc etc, But I noticed no turbulence what so ever ? Is there a reason for this ? Thanks
  11. So it happened again , the lock at 19fps and here is what i see in the configuration :
  12. I shall see what I can do, just waiting for it to happen again. been going for 25 minutes, so we shall see
  13. Ok, This keeps happening quite a bit in cruise. Cruising at FL 370 mach . 76, and within about 5 - 10 mins, the speed on the MCP goes to 001, and my speed drops , so i have to descend to gain speed and climb again. This should not happen
  14. Tony, FPS are great the moment !! But I don't like my ground textures, there were clear before ?
  15. What are your SMP settings ?
  16. My CPU is overclocked to 4.2ghz, nothing else, When my frames drop, i go into SMP and turn some sliders down and click apply, then I get my frames back. These are my current settings : I shall give these settings a go then Thanks
  17. http://imgur.com/a/47nAM Thats the link for the nvidia settings What I have noticed as well, I can maintain 60 fps then xplane will freeze for like 5 seconds, Unfreeze and it will stay at 19 fps which is very strange. I turn some settings down again in SMP and it goes back to 60 fps. It's very odd
  18. What xplane 10 settings would you recommend for my specs ?
  19. Hopefully a developer will check my settings and see what they have to say/help Thanks
  20. I Tried what you said, but I am still getting spiking, and freezing, FPS drop to 4 fps then suddenly back to 50 fps. It is getting really annoying. I'm starting to think that it's either sky maxx or real weather connector: These are my sky maxx settings now: Xplane 10 settings : Thanks
  21. Ok, I removed all my hd mesh, still getting the odd random cloud spawning with FPS drop , what settings could i reduce and to what value to get constant frames ? Even tho my pc is more than capable Thanks
  22. Image should be ok and log.txt should be attached Thanks Log.txt
  23. I am using Skymaxx pro latest version with real world weather connector and i keep getting really bad lag and freezing when it generates new weather and clouds. This is my settings : specs: i7 3770k @ 4.2 ghz , GTX 970 , 16gb ram
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