Oddly enough while trying this again to take screenshots, I managed to get it to work, although I don't really understand why. What I did different was, I intercepted the glide-slope from above, not below. Although this was accidental, as i didn't expect it to catch it. Also, I engaged AP a lot further out. Maybe 16 or so nm. Maybe I was always to close on my other attempts? The procedure I used this time was to fly FMS till I was on runway heading. I was already in spd mode continuing my decent. Next, I switched to heading mode so I could switch nav source. Switched to nav1, confirmed course setting and that it looked liked we were still aligned, then engaged nav mode. Once it settled into course I armed AP mode. It was close to the glide-slope at this time and it engaged G/S almost directly. I was not expecting this to happen, I was expecting to drop below the glide-slope, level out, then intercept it from below. Instead it engaged a couple of seconds after I armed it. I went in for a good landing, probably my best ever in the CRJ200. I will try a few more times here and see. Really the only major difference here is I was much farther out.