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Everything posted by stehas78

  1. Hi. Could someone confirm if the C650 can be defaulted to engines running, and/or any kind of ready for take off state? I've seen all the preflight and setup experience included in the package, but how much is mandatory? What does the 'training mode' offer? Regards, Steven
  2. Was fine before 10.50 though. I press FLCH, but it goes out and does nothing. It won't follow glidescope on approach either, only localiser track. I'll investigate further. Is the 10.50 beta good for the 737 now?
  3. Is it possible to reduce stick sensitivity? The X-Crafts 175 and Rotate MD80 are nearly unflyable at times. I'm using a Saitek Cyborg Evo. Thanks.
  4. Rolled back to 10.45 after trying the new beta, but now I get a few crashes, and the AP is unusable. FLCH and APP modes especially. Do I need to reinstall the plane?
  5. Hi, In simple terms, how does the ALT mode work? I take off, put the A/P and ALT buttons on, then climb to the set altitude. Should it then capture and hold that alt? I'm using 10.41, and got the CRJ from the X-Plane.org store yesterday. Win 10. Any updates I need?
  6. Hi, What frame rates can I expect with the big airports (Heathrow/Schiphol)? Getting about 30-45 in the default London area. Thanks
  7. Hi, The a/p is on, and tracking the FMC route, but the ALT button does nothing. The plane just goes up and down, way past the set alt. Anything I should be doing? Is there anything that shows the set v/s rate, if the V/S button is active, when I'm adjusting it? Is the plane manually throttled, with the speed setting just a speed on elevator (climb/descent) system? Thanks is advance.
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