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Everything posted by villarinino

  1. Hello everyone,as I had anticipated a few months ago I finally released a project in QGIS Cloud, a geographic information system open-source, to make available via the Web from a single page everything about our Antarctica4XPlane project, including third-party creations but also with regard to each of the hundreds of research Bases / Airports yet to be realized.The purpose was to systematize a series of not homogeneous data on the web, to enable you to get all that concerns our project from a single point but also provide a number of elements intended to stimulate the creation of new sceneries: in this so we could get to make the most populated and therefore more interesting to a continent that is already very nice.By clicking on points locating on a map of Antarctica, which highlights the hitherto made mesh Parts, all places of interest gradually surveyed, you get PDF containing data, pictures, maps, links to more information, videos, downloads of elements of the project released, among them a hundred basic heliports located near research Bases still to do: as you'll see is a work in progress.You can find the link to the page in question wen from the first post of the topic in .orghttp://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?...and-airfields/or from our websitehttps://maps2xplane.comTake good flightsNino
  2. Hello everyone, Matthias (maps2xplane) has released the mesh for XP11 with respect to parts of Antarctica that we have made so far, you'll find here: - Part. 1 South Orkney Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/29589-antarctica-part-1/ - Part. 2 Victoria Land and Trans-Antarctic Range: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/33228-antarctica-part-2/ Paolo (palple) has released two sceneries, the first on Ferraz Bases (BR) and Machu Picchu (PE) on the island of King George in the South Shetland Islands (Part. 1) and the second (beautiful) on the slopes and bases McMurdo (US), Scott (NZ) and Marble Point (US) in Ross Island and the Dry Valleys which also makes use of mesh HD made by Matthias integration result between 3 different DEM data, you will find here: - Bases Ferraz and Machu Picchu (Part. 1): http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/35380-eacf-comandante-ferraz-antarctic-station-and-each-machu -picchu-scientific-based / - Ross Island and Dry Valleys (Part. 2): http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/35379-nzir-nzwd-nzpg-nz0h-ross-bay/ Matthias has recently released the scenery of Base Signy (UK) namesake island of the South Orkneys you will find here: - Base Signy (Part. 1): http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/33878-xb01-signy-research-station/ On this scenario Ion Fresko (ionfresko) has made a beautiful movie: - In the Antarctic: Part I - Bell 412 at Signy Island Research Station (XB01): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzmkn66BfBI&feature=youtu.be I point out also the two sceneries produced by Mark (Vampire_T11) of seasonal field in the Dry Valleys, you will find here: - Trough Lake Camp (Part. 2): http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/33422-trough-lake-camp-antarctica/ - Wright Lower Glacier Hut (Part. 2): http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/33423-lower-wright-glacier-hut-antarctica/ I wish you good flights Nino
  3. Hello to all, we are pleased to announce that it has added another slice of Antarctica showing that we trust to your liking: Matthias has released Antarctica4XPlane Part. 2: This second part covers the Victoria Land and the northern part of the Transantarctic Mountains up to 80 ° S. You can download here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/33228-antarctica-part-2/ Meanwhile Paolo has completed a number of sceneries for Part 1 and Part 2, downloadable here: (Deployment will occur in the near WE so I'll update this post as soon as possible by pressing the corresponding link) Finally I mark I started a work of systematization of information available on the web with regard to these bases in Antarctica: the aim is also to propose to the Antarctica4XPlane users to make one part. The data that I have collected may be useful in this sense and the link to the topic that I prepared in .org forum is this: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/104019-aaa-carpenters-locksmiths-masons-wanted-part-i-part-ii/ We wish you good flights. Nino
  4. A few days ago appeared an interesting interview with Matthias relative to our project on Flightsim.com http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?16439-Interview-With-Matthias-Seewald-From-Maps2XPlane/view/1
  5. Hi all,we are pleased to inform you that our projects Antarctica (Part 1) by maps2xplane (mesh scenery) and AT01 EGAR Rothera Station by palple (Base sceneries) are in best sceneries of January 2016 contest.If those who have downloaded the sceneries (that are to date, 733 in x-plane.org and 48 in FlightSim) have appreciated our work, they could vote on them as best sceneries.http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=92942Thank youNino
  6. Hi all, we have achieved two seasonal replacements of the Planet map: you can download them here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=30108 Cheers Nino
  7. Hi all, Paolo has published two new BasesMatienzohttp://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=29988Esperanzahttp://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=29989More and updated informations about the Bases in our website, here:https://maps2xplane.wordpress.com/our-sceneries/Nino
  8. Hi all, here are some SS from our package Antarctica4XPlane Part. 1 Cheers Nino
  9. Hi, best wishes for a happy new year. We are pleased to inform you that we have released on X-Plane.org the "Antarctica4XPlane" and dozens of Research Base Station sceneries. This first part covers substantially the Antarctic Peninsula from the South Orkney Islands down to -73 ° S and many other areas will follow: those interested can download it for free starting from our website (we recommend to follow our website to stay up to date on the release of the mesh and sceneries of the Bases). https://maps2xplane.wordpress.com We began issuing the first Bases you can find Marambio here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=29744and Rothera here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=29746You can always find an updated information on the Bases of research carried out or are being realized from our website: https://maps2xplane.wordpress.com/our-sceneries/You can find SS here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1rd7ggyv2h9oslo/AACcVrTiaqCUkzAGyo-jV-oHa?dl=0 Good flights. Matthias, Nino and Paolo
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