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  1. I'd like to publicly thank Javier and Phillip for their help (and patience) with my installation of the CRJ 200. Great aircraft and great customer service! Thanks again! Almost forgot Jim Gregory who gave me the correct email address for Javier. Thanks Jim!
  2. Thanks Jim!
  3. Thanks for the response. I have contacted the supplier but they said to contact the designer. J.rollon has his email as japo32@yahoo.com but mail came back undeliverable. I was hoping someone else has experienced the problem.
  4. Hello everyone! I am new to X-Plane and to this forum. I need some help with this aircraft I purchased from Simarket.When I download the .exec file and run it the installer asks for a destination folder. When I browse and select X-Plane 10 it is unlike other downloads as it says there is nothing in the folder. What am I doing wrong? I am running X-Plane 10.36 with windows 7. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance! Bill
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