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  1. We are seeking pilots to volunteer for a study examining how meteorological information displays affect pilot weather decision-making. Fixed-wing licensed pilots and currently enrolled student pilots who are at least 18 years of age and live in the US are eligible to participate. As you know, adverse weather conditions in aviation can lead to delays, deviations, and even accidents. As a result, Atmospheric Technology Services Company, LLC and the Georgia Institute of Technology are conducting a study on how different weather display technology influences pilot decision-making. As a participant in this study, you will be asked to complete an online demographics questionnaire regarding your flight experience, ratings, and other items. Following the demographic questionnaire, the participant pilots will be asked to evaluate various weather scenarios. The study will take no more than 1-hour to complete. We hope that you will consider participating and assisting us in learning more about weather display technology. Participation will assist us in learning more about weather display technologies with the goal of improving aviation safety. The supported internet browsers are Chrome 4.0 or higher, Internet Explorer 10.0 and higher, Firefox 4.0 or higher, and Safari 3.1 or higher. In addition, Javascript must be enabled. We recommend using a laptop or a desktop. If you work at a secure government facility, you may need to use a personal device due to security constraints. If you would like to participate in this study, please type the web address (URL) shown below into the address bar of your Internet browser: www.atscwx.com/met_info For more information about this study, or to volunteer for this study, please contact: Dr. Rick Thomas Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-6066 dplflightstudy@psych.gatech.edu Mr. Dan J. Rusk Atmospheric Technology Services Company (405) 325-0056, X24 met_info@atscwx.com
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