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Posts posted by IndiB

  1. Hello.

    Took the X-Plane 11 MD-80 for a spin to test out the extended cloud distances.

    Weirdly, I seemed to see cloud for a greater distance on the ground than in the air. A setting of around 15,000 sq km seemed to be about the maximum visibility I could achieve, setting it higher seemed to make the cloud coverage below the aircraft more dense and resulted in killing the frame rate. In SkyMaxx v3 if I upped the coverage settings the clouds became thinner around the aircraft but extended much further.

    I did try setting X-Planes visibility settings to max but this didn't seem to help.






  2. I'd like to see cloud wisps.

    I saw them first flying in GTA V, just small wisps of cloud that fade in a couple of hundred feet in front of the aircraft,slightly affect visibility and quickly fade out, the immersion is incredible.

    I could see it working really well in SkyMaxx which doesn't really represent small clouds.

    Also, smaller clouds in general would enhance the experience, especially with large weather fronts where currently SkyMaxx can look a little 'wall like' and stark.

  3. Hello.

    I understand the need to turn a 2d graphic cloud towards the user as you fly past, but I've noticed some weird cloud movements while testing SkyMaxx v4.

    Yesterday, I was flying out of some clouds and there looked to be a large towering cloud off to the left, it looked huge and several miles away, however, when I turned my head it swept across the front of the aircraft as though it was only a couple of inches from my eyeline. Shortly after that the HD clouds broke (the 4.0 bug) and I stuck to flying with fast clouds in dense particle mode.


    I flew again tonight with the new v4.1 and while I didn't see anything as striking there were still some shifts that didn't look quite right, as though the cloud photo's were too large for the cloud puff. The effect seems to be lessened when setting Crisp clouds and 'Dense Particles' rather than 'HD Cloud Puffs'. The effect disappears altogether with 'Fast' clouds and any setting other than 'HD Cloud Puffs' (as you'd expect).


    Are we likely to see more tuning in this area during the v4 run?


  4. Quote

    Plus to override the default X-Plane haze you'd need to play with undocumented datarefs


    I was thinking about this, I understand the argument from both sides. However, would it be possible to add a switch, even if this was in a text file away from the main interface allowing SkyMaxx to read the art datarefs and mix the SkyMaxx cloud coloring with X-Plane 11 haze / horizon color? The switch would contain a warning "Undocumented feature, unsupported, can break with each x-plane cycle".


    I don't know how much the art datarefs would help mind you, it's an area of the x-plane SDK I haven't really played with.


    EDIT -

    Oooh, or, could SkyMaxx add it's own user datarefs, just one or two (I don't know the technicalities of X-Plane / SkyMaxx cloud coloring) so a tint color could be changed for blending effects.

    eg SkyMaxxDataRefNear = 1.0f, 1,0f, 1.0f

    SkyMaxxDataRefFar = 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.8f

    It would open SkyMaxx to user color changes which could be changed with each Laminar beta.


  5. sundog -



    That's funny, because SMP's clouds used to do that - and then people complained about it, so we turned that effect off. Really, people were freaking out on us insisting that clouds always appear white no matter what (even though I know that's not true.)

    You've given me the courage to re-enable that effect, but perhaps just more subtle than it used to be.


    HUGE +1 from me. I'd love to see this effect.

    Weird how people think clouds are white to the horizon, plane bonkers (if you'll pardon the pun).



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