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Liam Reed

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Everything posted by Liam Reed

  1. Never mind. I was originally trying to convert the plane in Plane Maker 9.7 by selecting "Save As". I found out that all I had to do was select "Save" and the livery came back.
  2. After converting XP Jets 777 with Plane Maker 9.7, I opened it with x-plane 10, and the textures were all grey. I have been able to bring some of the textures back by merging them with the textures that Plane Maker 10.42 made by default when I selected the "Output Texture-Maps Starting Point" button under the "Special" tab. Textures that I have been able to bring back include the fuselage, wings, tail, wheels and tail wings. But I still can't get the engine, cockpit or pylon textures. Does anyone know what the problem is? Thanks in advance. Liam Reed
  3. I can't get the livery to work either. I tried combining the original textures with the textures that Plane Maker created, and that worked. But I still can't get the engine, pylon or cockpit textures.
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