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Everything posted by TomF

  1. SOLVED Yes that got me thinking - what is the Video Driver Version ?? My desktop utility said that that the MSI drivers we up to date and so I thought no more of it. However, looking on the MSI website, I got it to do a live check on my system and indeed there was a Video Driver update. Having installed it, SkyMAXX Pro is now working beautifully - with lots and lots of glorious clouds. And the FrameRate ?? Well this has increased in the JAR Airbus A330 Cockpit into the high 30's and external views at big airports like Heathrow are up in the 60's. But now turning Silverlining on or off has virtually no effect on the FPS. So very pleased now and many thanks again for all the comments and your patience !!!!!! Rgds TOM
  2. Yes this is turning out to be of a mystery I think !!! I have just downloaded the latest version of GIZMO from their website but sadly no difference. Just for another test, I have moved away from the Heathrow scenery package and instead just used the default at EGBB (Birmingham). AS you also suggested I have turned off other Plugins as well. The 2 Attachments show the result - slightly improved because of the scenary but still a MASSIVE difference when the Silverlining plugin is disabled. NOTE: Disabling the SASL Plugin made no difference to the framerate but when turned off, the scenery view was totally obscured from the cockpit - so not too sure what SASL is ?? Lastly I had alreay re-installed SkyMAXX (this downloaded files from the server) and presumably has now updated it to the latest version. I then re-activated SkyMAXX but sadly has made no difference !! BTW I was not sure about temporarily removing the custom scenery (Heathrow) - I was concerned it may affect the registration of this Payware ?? Next idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rgds TOM
  3. Hi and many thanks for all the comments !! Regarding the weather, for all of these tests I am keeping the weather set to KAVOC and all three layers set to Clear. For the settings of SkyMAXX, these for the most part are turned well down and using the clear weather conditions, only results in a few puffs over the clear sky and in theory should give SkyMAXX very little to do !! In the next uploaded picture, all the Plugins are shown alongside the resulting FrameRate using the JAR A330 at London Heathrow. And the next picture show what happens to the FrameRate once the Silverlining Plugin is disabled. Just out of interest, I have just re-installed SkyMAXX just in case but of course it has made no difference. Perhaps if I get a Chance, I will take the advice and back-off all the settings within X-Plane 10, and then see what happens - but is this the answer - lets wait and see !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again Tom
  4. Hi and thanks. I have just double checked on the Graphics card box and it is a 3GB for sure - it is the GeForce GTX 580 Lightning. Regarding the JAR A330, it runs exceptionally smooth from anywhere between high twenties to just over 50 - depending on view etc (at Aerosoft Heathrow scenary). Note: I am otherwise using just the default scenery and no Mesh etc. I dont believe the problem is related to the scenary because the frame rate hardly improves if I use one of the Xplane default airports - which contain hardly any textures and buildings I have just loaded up Xplane 10 again with the Default 737-400 and getting around 14 FPS - and with Silverlining turned off then this reaches almost 50 FPS. I have also just tried changing the Xplane screen resolution to "Monitor Default Settings" and is currently using 739Meg out of the available 3GB of VRAM. BTW it is not a 4K screen - it is actually a Samsung LS27D390 Monitor. What to try next !!!!!!! Rgds Tom
  5. I purchased and registered SkyMaxx Pro yesterday and would like some advice in using it please. The problem I am having is some seriously low frame rates with SkyMax enabled. The frame rate takes its biggest hit when in the 3d cockpit (plane is the Jardesign A330) and when first loaded, the frame rate starts in the high twenties and over a short time it can drop as low as 2 or 3 fps. I have proved it is Skymax causing the rate drop and recovers instantly back to the high 20's to 40's - depending on views and scenery if I disable the Skymax plugin. I have of course tried turning off cloud shadows, lens flare, cloud reflections, God rays and reduced slider settings right down and barely makes any difference to the frame rate. I have tried just setting clear sky settings ie no storms etc, but still the same poor frames. Within xplane 10 (version 10.36) I have reduced many rendering options and also put the Screen Resolution to its minimum (1924 x 768) just to see if there was any improvement !!! Sadly the resulting fps remained much the same. I have what I consider a fairly decent machine to run Xplane 10 and without Skymax running it has exceeded my expectations and runs the JAR A330 Log.txtabsolutely wonderfully - even on my Heathrow scenary package. Now I have gone into Windows Resource Monitor and unfortunately it has not given me any obvious clues as to why my machine is dragging its heels with Skymax. I don't really believe it is the graphics card causing the issue, and with my current texture settings, the VRAM usage is just over 800 Meg (the graphics card has 3GB). System memory is using 2.7 GB - leaving just over 5 GB spare. So I am really hoping somebody has some advice in trying to resolve this - I just cant wait to see it working properly !!!!!! Rgds Tom UK SYSTEM: CPU - Intel I5 - 2500K (over clocked version) Memory - 8 GB DDR3 Graphics - MSI N580GTX Lightning (3GB) Windows 7 on Samsung SSD 128GB 2TB SATA hard drive XPlane version 10.36 Jardesign Airbus A330 X-Camera plugin
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