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  1. Thank you so much. I am doing well nowl CU Later...
  2. After many hours of experimenting, I have worked out this answer. I post it to help anyone with a similar question. I still do not know how to tell if I am on the "glidescope". I have just winged it, but want to know if there is an instrument in the cockpit that tells you? X-Plane 10 ILS AutoPilot Landing Tutorial This Tutorial makes the assumption that you know how to land your plane Manually I am using the Heinz Commanche for this Tutorial. For other planes the instruments might be placed differently but you should be able to find them. Flight Director is another name for the autopilot. - On the top line menu of X-plane, click on Location/Select Global Airport - Select PHNL and then Select Runway 04R at 3mn - Your plane will be pointed at the runway at an altitude of about 1000ft. Hit the PAUSE button and do the following Select the 3D cockpit view to make your settings. Zoom in to better see what you are doing. In the Commanche all the instruments you need are located to the right of the 6-pack guages. The GPS is located on top. Underneath that are the radio selector switches - Set the radio to NAV1 by clicking on it. A light will go on next to it indicating it is set. - Underneath the selection switches are two radios. - Set the NAV1 radio (Top right by clicking on the knob under the display (The big knob changes the whole number. The little knob changes the decimals) Set the NAV1 radio to the ILS frequency of PHNL runway 04R to110.50 To find the ILS frequency of any Airport Runway - Click on Location (top menu) then Local map. - On the right side of the map, make sure show the ALL ILS box is checked - Long Arrow Like markings will be displayed for the runways that have ILS - At the point of the arrow will be a box with the runway number and the frequency of the ILS for that number - Set that number in the NAV1 Radio -Underneath the radios is the AUTOPILOT. Enlarge the view so you can set the following - Click on LOC and G/S (Glidescope ) Buttons... They will light up - On top of the G/S light is the ON/OFF Knob of the Autopilot . Turn this knob by clicking on it to the AUTO position on the far right. If you do not do this, it will not work UnPAUSE and the autopilot will take over control of your plane. NOTE: All the Autopilot does is point you in the right direction and start bringing your plane down. You must MANUALLY set the flaps, lower the landing gear, and adjust your speed. If you are lucky the plane will land itself, however, I have found that you may need to flair the plane manually just before the wheels hit the ground or the plane will crash into the runway. Follow the same procedure using any airport and ILS runway. I hope this helps.
  3. I spent a lot of hours experimenting and solved the problem myself (no one else answered me) I am posting what I did and hope it helps someone else. X-Plane 10 ILS AutoPilot Landing Tutorial by Paul Jordan This Tutorial makes the assumption that you know how to land your plane Manually I am using the Heinz Commanche for this Tutorial. For other planes the instruments might be placed differently but you should be able to find them. Flight Director is another name for the autopilot. - On the top line menu of X-plane, click on Location/Select Global Airport - Select PHNL and then Select Runway 04R at 3mn - Your plane will be pointed at the runway at an altitude of about 1000ft. Hit the PAUSE button and do the following Select the 3D cockpit view to make your settings. Zoom in to better see what you are doing. In the Commanche all the instruments you need are located to the right of the 6-pack guages. The GPS is located on top. Underneath that are the radio selector switches - Set the radio to NAV1 by clicking on it. A light will go on next to it indicating it is set. - Underneath the selection switches are two radios. - Set the NAV1 radio (Top right by clicking on the knob under the display (The big knob changes the whole number. The little knob changes the decimals) Set the NAV1 radio to the ILS frequency of PHNL runway 04R to110.50 To find the ILS frequency of any Airport Runway - Click on Location (top menu) then Local map. - On the right side of the map, make sure show the ALL ILS box is checked - Long Arrow Like markings will be displayed for the runways that have ILS - At the point of the arrow will be a box with the runway number and the frequency of the ILS for that number - Set that number in the NAV1 Radio -Underneath the radios is the AUTOPILOT. Enlarge the view so you can set the following - Click on LOC and G/S (Glidescope ) Buttons... They will light up - On top of the G/S light is the ON/OFF Knob of the Autopilot . Turn this knob by clicking on it to the AUTO position on the far right. If you do not do this, it will not work UnPAUSE and the autopilot will take over control of your plane. NOTE: All the Autopilot does is point you in the right direction and start bringing your plane down. You must MANUALLY set the flaps, lower the landing gear, and adjust your speed. If you are lucky the plane will land itself, however, I have found that you may need to flair the plane manually just before the wheels hit the ground or the plane will crash into the runway. Follow the same procedure using any airport and ILS runway. I hope this helps.
  4. It doesn't appear that too many people are interested in the "HUD", and there doesn't seem to be a lot of info on it. The speed, altitude, horizon indicator (solid line) and pitch are obvious but there are some things I do not know. 1. The moving circle under the "V". I believe it is the actual path the plane is on and it is used in landing. I use it, but I have no idea how to use it properly. As with most things (for me) in Xplane I "guess" and fly by trial and error. 2. The dotted horizontal line??? 3. The compass like markings with the triangle??? 4. Can the colors be changed? and can it (the markings) be made larger? I have old eyes. Thank you for any responses
  5. Hi... I am looking on how to do an Autopilot landing with Heinz Commanche Plane. I have been on youtube and looked at dozens of "tutorials", however they all seem to be for Heavy Metal Airliners and the cockpits are not the same. In line with this, I need to know how to "intercept" a glidescope. How do I know if I am on it? Thank You digitalpaul
  6. FLIGHT PLAN with APPROACH USING GARMIN 530 KMIA to KTMB (Miami International to Tamiami Executive) 1. Clear Old Flight Plan fm MENU if there is one in it NOTE: The Garmin has some features do not work in PAUSE MODE. Make your settings at the airport before you take 0ff. - FPL brings up ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN Page Menu. - Press MENU, Select Delete Flight Plan (with Little Knob) - Press.- ENTer Brings you to CLEAN ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN SCREEN 2. Click on littlle PUSH CRSR knob to make first entry 3. Click on little knob and enter airport callsign KTMB Press ENTer (2x) 4. Click on big knob backwards to highlight destination airport 5. Click on PROC and highlight Select Approach, Press ENTer 6. Select Runway ILS09R (Little Knob) and press ENTer Select something that looks like a fix (3 Letters) (no vectors), press ENTer A screen comes up with LAYON and a (2000) line for the runway you selected LS09R 7. LOAD it by pressing ENTer. The whole approach to KTMB should show as follows: KTMB Approach ILS09R VKZ LAYON proc turn 273 degrees ** I think this is missed approach ** EYAXO LAYON RW09R (2000) INTC 8. Now that the flight plan approach is entered, we MUST remove the KMIA Waypoint so as not to confuse issues. -Highlight the original entry for the DESTINATION Airport -Press the CLR Button, -ENTer to confirm Yes. 9. Click the Proc Button Highlight ACTIVATE and ENTer Clicking FPL gets you back to the NAV SCREEN The first waypoint is displayed VKZ (Tamiami) Follow the purple line to where it intersects with the white line. Then follow the white line. The white line has a 2000 ft marked just before the runway and you will be lined up You can substitue any airports and runway instead of using the above and it should work fine --------------------------------
  7. Hi... I am looking on how to do an Autopilot landing with Heinz Commanche Plane. I have been on youtube and looked at dozens of "tutorials", however they all seem to be for Heavy Metal Airliners and the cockpits are not the same. In line with this, I need to know how to "intercept" a glidescope. How do I know if I am on it? Thank You digitalpaul paulsnewemail@yahoo.com
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