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  1. @Pils, thank for your reply. Since the previous flight, I made two other flights with no problems with the cabin alt. So I think I did not correct fill the elevation at the departure airport. The elevation at EHBK is 360 ft and not 600 ft of the arrival airport LOWW So I suppose that the problem is solved. The screenshot of the flight of today goes herby
  2. Shortly I encounter problems with the cabin pressurization. At about fl 330 I get the yellow message "Cabin alt" and at about fL 350 the color of the messages changes in red. On the failure page I cab see nothing strange, The log.txt and a screenshot are attached. Any help is very welcome Log.txt
  3. Hi, The 12.8.b2 in xp12 solved the problem. Thanks for your help
  4. Hi, Thanks for your comments, much appreciated. @PilsI'm using the challenger 1.7 and last week, suddenly xplane 12.7 disappeared, when I was loading the challenger. I decided xplane to upgrade to 12.8 but that was no solution. So I thought when I return to 12.7 the problem may be solved, but nope. @Martrenchard, I will try to upload the challenger to 1.8 beta, but where can I find it?
  5. Hi, Since a few days, I have the problem, that Xplane 12 shuts down after starting the challenger. After starting a new flight, and choosing the challenger, on the bottom of the screens appears that the challenger is loading and then suddenly Xplane crashes. I did not change anything, so I am a bit confused how this can happen. Any help is very welcome!! Log.txt
  6. Problem solved. I first checked the reverse axis toebrake boxes; then I calibtrated. After that, I unchecked the boxes and calibrated again And the acf rolled. Thanks for your help
  7. Thanks, The chocks are remover. How van I see of the brake pedels are depressies?
  8. Hello, I am new in challenger and I encounter several problems. My last problem is, that the plane will not roll after starting the engines. After running through all the checklists and starting the engines, remove the blocks and release the parking brake I increase the throttles, but the plane is not moving. See the uploaded image. Any help is very welcome. Kind regards Pasja Log.txt
  9. Problem solved
  10. @Pils I do not know if I am at the correct place, but I have a problem with closing the nose doors. Starting in cold & dark, with the nose doors closed, battery start and the APU. In engage the hydraulic 3A and then the nose doors open. There are no pins, so I tried to close them, but the handle to close the doors did not react. An image and the log.txt go hereby I hope you can help me Kind regards Log.txt
  11. Thanks you all for your help, After popping out and popping in of CB M2 the CDU 1 worked fine.
  12. Thanks for your suggestion. I did control every breaker, but all the breakers are 'in" After starting the battery and the APU, the CDU 1 is visible (see uploaded image), but when I press e.g. status, the screen gets black and after a moment the message "FMS not responding" and it flips back to the opening screen. So I doubt, that the breakers due this problem. I hope the XP12.08 will fix this problem.
  13. No difference with another airframe. Btw, I am a newbe; is it possible that FMS2 can be displayed on the left screen?
  14. Same for me, circuit brakers are ok. Any help is very welcome
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