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Everything posted by Richdem

  1. Hi All, If I try to pause a flight 9 out of 10 ten times X-Plane will freeze and show a CMD prompt window saying "Press any key to continue" If you press any key another CMD window opens. Ultimately a force quit is required. Any ideas why I cannot pause the sim while flying this 737? I cannot use the replay either, it also causes the sim to lockup Regards Richard
  2. Hi All, First of all thank you for this amazing bird. I have a couple of flights under my belt now and have tried mapping some custom commands to my X52 Rhino. Everything works perfectly but when I reload the aircraft the custom mappings I had created are not retained. I use X-Assign and tried saving the changes but it didn't make any difference. Am I missing something Regards Richard
  3. Thank you I was specifically talking about SkyMaxx Pro, Sorry for the confusion. You are correct my GTX780 has 3GB VRAM which it is very easy to consume. I have been monitoring this & system memory since upgrading to 10.40 as I realized with the extended DSF option I quickly run out of system memory hence why I upgraded to 16GB DDR3 I can pretty much get a solid 30FPS with complex addons such as the FLYJSim 737 & JAR A330 but I am aware with the extended DSF and heavy weather in an area with non stock scenery I could run into VRAM issues. I do have my texture settings at Very high and up until now have been fine with the other sliders set accordingly. I can see a new graphics card on the horizon, I would like to see the 6GB prices come down a little further lol I am interested in getting the best out of Skymaxx. Lilke I said in my original post I should have asked for help earlier regarding the overcast issue Richard
  4. Thank you for the reply, It looks like the shifting the overcast setting to medium did the trick. Here are my settings, I would love some advice on what I can do to improve further. I have a i3570K @ 4.7, 16GB DDR3 @ 1866 and an Asus GTX780. I should have asked for help earlier lol Regards Richard
  5. Hi There, I am using the latest version of Skymaxx Pro and have been getting some weird visual effects going on. When I started the flight this afternoon everything looked good but 20 minutes in as I was climbing through cloud the issue arose. In the 3rd image all the areas in white were flashing. I disabled Silverlining from the plugin menu and the problem instantly went away. This has been happening for some time I just never got around to posting about it. For now I have uninstalled SMP as it kinda kills the immersion. Any help would be greatly appreciated Richard
  6. Hi All, I am new to X-Plane, not to simming though I have just purchased Skymaxx Pro V2, I had been running with HDR on with 8XSSAA+FXAA and 4X Anistropic. With these settings I locked the FPS at 30 with NI and every scenario was silky smooth. With Skymaxx I noticed some scenarios would drop the frames to the low to mid 20's and that would introduce some stuttering. I do understand that by introducing clouds the GPU will have a higher workload. I have still to experiment with the settings to find the sweetspot for my system but as a quick test I turned HDR off. Straight away I was back to a nice smooth sim. Should HDR be turned off when using Skymaxx Pro ? The funny thing is I couldn't see any discernible difference with it turned off Regards Richard
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