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Posts posted by Kapitonas

  1. 14 hours ago, skiselkov said:

    Attached is the one I'm using. It's a rather complex setup involving a custom xjoymap script and config, which Xsaitekpanels calls into. This is to provide knob acceleration, so I can spin a knob fast to quickly change its value and then slow down to fine-tune it, just like in the real aircraft. If you don't want to run the custom xjoymap, just replace the xjoymap references in the xsaitekpanels.ini file with the standard commands to change AP settings from X-Plane.


    1. I've disabled all switchpanel buttons except for the landing gear lever. I find they don't really map that well to the real aircraft. Feel free to reenable them by adding the appropriate lines. Be careful about avionics though, it might mess with the electrics in the aircraft. Also, even if you have the avionics button disabled, you need to keep its knob in the "on" position (and cycle it when you start the sim), otherwise Xsaitekpanels won't turn on any other panel.
    2. I've remapped some positions on the multipanel for my convenience. ALT controls right CRS knob and VS controls ALT knob on the MCP.
    3. I've changed the TRIM wheel to instead change vertical speed on the MCP, as in the real aircraft.
    4. I've changed the REV button on the multipanel to engage LVL CHG, since the 737 classic doesn't have a localizer backcourse roll mode.
    5. A/T switch on the multipanel is disabled. The real MCP has this knob on a solenoid that disengages when you press A/T disengage on the throttles. Obviously this can't be done on the multipanel, so I'd rather it doesn't mess with the simulation.

    ixeg 733 plugins.zip

    Many thanks!


  2. ....this is really great, exempt that I has spent 2 downloads of 3 possible, with  zero success of download. For the third time I scare to press the download button. Maybe good thing to wait until x-aviation server wake up after IXEG realize convulsion, then find anybody from support with request for reset of download quantity.

  3. iGoApp, that is true, but if you have a look why, "...after a while" you will find that from cold and dark aircraft load, saitek panels comes alife only after main aircraft engine/s up and running and generator/s connected to the main bus whenewer left unlit on ground power during preflight preparations. Probably that is a point why time before crash diferent in time.

  4. In my case (opinion), this problem comming as soon as new "Saab_340_Xsaitekpanels.lua" from last xsaitekpanels 2.43 package, start read some commands from saitek panels, such altitude and course bug commence change values in aircraft. With older version (2.42 and older) there only indication on saitek multi panel of altitude and course diplay has place, when all changes were possible only on the aircraft panel bugs with mouse scrolling. I belive if Saab_340_Xsaitekpanels.lua creator look once where lua scripts interference wiht Gizmo work the problem should be resolved.

    Best regards...

  5. Mmm. That looks fun.


    Can we have a copy of your Log.txt too please?

    Following step by step addon inspection looks like I has find, that new xsaitekpanels 2.43 contained "Saab_340_Xsaitekpanels.lua" script which crash gizmo during time of operation. After replacement above mentioned lua script to older version (from 2.40 package) gizmo stable again (during 1 hour flight no crash). There no time for longer flight, so I still continuously in test mode. If crash occurs again I will attach log.txt as requested. Many thanks for your support!


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