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Everything posted by jimrob

  1. Steven Many thanks for your help. It was the view of your plugins folder that finally showed me where I had gone wrong! I hadn't appreciated that there are two separate plugins! Everything now working fine. Many thanks also to those who wrote the excellent plugins. Jim
  2. Hi, Sorry for the delay in replying - had to do some work! The panel is plugged directly into the Yoke, but I have also tried plugging into the usb port on the iMac. Neither display any landing lights, although the System Profiler on the Mac recognises the device and reads the manufacturers name OK. I'm going to try it on Microsoft FX over the weekend to see what happens. Jim
  3. Steve, Thanks for the response. I'm now worried that my Switch Panel is faulty! Absolutely no response - even when its the only item plugged into the USB ports, so its not a power issue. Guess its time to do battle with the suppliers! Jim
  4. I have just purchased both the Radio Panel and the Multi Panel (still waiting for the latter to arrive) However, the Radio Panel works just fine. Can't wait for the Multi Panel to arrive! I have also purchased the Switch Panel. Would be happy to help develop the plugin for that, but need some assistance - (my programming skills ended years ago with commercial languages!). Im using a 27" iMac which runs X-plane beautifully. Excellent work with the plugin - many thanks. Jim.
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