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  1. Thanks Tony. I also deleted all the forest rules that place treelines using the directive <perimeter-only>. I just couldn't stand treelines inside airports. Now I am experimenting with building heights using the adaptive-height option. I still get some trees inside facade buildings though. A temporary 'solution' may be to force the low (industrial?) building height to be taller than the trees...
  2. Just a thought on the above: As you can see in the screenshots, when I use Simheaven's w2xp overlayed on HD mesh v3 then the default autogen (buildings at least) seems not to be excluded (screenshot #3). When I disable HD mesh then the exclusions seem to work ok (screenshot #4). Any ideas on this? Here is my scenery_packs.ini --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1000 version SCENERY SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Baltimore_Washington/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/1S2 - Darrington Municipal Airport/ SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/BIRK_10_Reykjavik/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/CYYC Calgary/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/CZNL_Nelson_Norman_Stibbs 2.6 - xp10 dkm/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KCLS - Chehalis-Centralia Airport/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KHHR Hawthorne Municipal Airport2/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/PAAQ ( PALMER MUNI AK )/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/PAWS ( WASILLA AK )/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KLAL - Lakeland (airshow version)/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/SBGL/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KPHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KLAX - Los Angeles International/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KLAX - Los Angeles Orthophotos/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KOTH - North Bend Regional Airport - Ortho/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/CYYZ Toronto Pearson Intl (ISDG)/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Jackson_Hole/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KFYJ WestPoint Version 1.0/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSAN - San Diego/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Golden Gate Bridge/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Oakland Bay Bridge/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/USA_AK_PAWD/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/USA_AK_PAWD_Orthophoto/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/USA_AK_PAWD_Terrain_mesh/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/PAKT - Ketchikan International/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/PAVD - Valdez Pioneer Field (Alaska)/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/PAJN - Juneau International/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Nepal Lukla-Everest VNLK v10.3/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EBBR Brussels/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDDF Frankfurt/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDDM Munich/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDDT Berlin Tegel/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDLP Paderborn-Lippstadt/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGBB Birmingham/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGKK London-Gatwick/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGLL Heathrow/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGPF Glasgow/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGSS London-Stansted/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EIDW Dublin/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LEBL Barcelona/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LEMD Madrid/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFMN Nice Cote d Azur X/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFPG Paris CDG/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFPO Paris Orly/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LPFR Faro/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LSGG Genf/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Area/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo Area/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/NYC/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Cheap_vegas/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Salt Lake City XPX/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/landmarks xpx/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/landmarks2/ SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/w2xp_Canada_osm-ag/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/w2xp_Iceland_hd/ SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/iceland-latest/ SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/alaska-latest/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/south-america-latest/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/uk-full/ SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/Urban_Maxx_Extreme_V2_3D/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/RD_Library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/R2_Library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/ff_library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/RE_Library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/ruscenery/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Vehicle Library Extension/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/The_Handy_Objects_Library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/XAirportScenery/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/000_Madagascar_Lib/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/People_LIB/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/CDB_Library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/world-models/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zzz_Treelines_Farms_Europe_v2/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zzz_Treelines_Farms_North_America_v2/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zzz_Treelines_Japan_v2/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zzz_new_zealand_overlay/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zzz_new_zealand/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zzz_uhd_global_scenery1/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zzz_hd_global_scenery3/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zzzz_FSE_Airports/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Terrain/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Very nice approach Tony! As for a number of reasons I don't want to use photoscenery, I am really looking forward to this w2xp implementation. ETA?
  4. Ok, I couldn't resist and did some testing at Reykjavik, Iceland, which has a small OSM pbf file, ideal for testing/rebuilding. Trees at "Treehugger", objects at "Extreme", roads at "Tons". Here are the results on my system: 1. This is vanilla default X-Plane scenery 2. This is alpilotx's HD mesh v3 3. This is HD mesh plus Simheaven's w2xp scenery. It seems like it's built with no exclusions at all (?) 4. And here it is with no underlying HD mesh. Simheaven's w2xp scenery only 5. Here is my build of Iceland with smart exclusions enabled on top of HD mesh (config-hd.xml was used, no roads created) And a Google Earth image of the area: What's your opinion on the results?
  5. Ok, I updated windows, changed system locale, disabled overclocking, the result is the same: messed w2xp tree autogen even on a clean XP10 install. I almost stopped flying XP10 because of this, until I disabled w2xp altogether... ...and loaded a flight at CYBD (Bella Coola) at early morning, which reminded me the great awesomeness of the XP10's default scenery coupled with HD mesh and RTH...!!! Goodbye cities, hello bush!
  6. Checking the Log.txt I found the following error: 0:00:03.710 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1353499 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 10 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/-30-050/-23-045.dsf (179106 tris) 0:00:03.710 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'test/AGtrees_test.for' (parent = 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Misc_Buildings/' at 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Misc_Buildings/test/AGtrees_test.for' 0:00:03.710 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'test/AGtrees_test.for' (parent = 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Misc_Buildings/' at 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/custom objects/test/AGtrees_test.for' 0:00:03.710 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'test/AGtrees_test.for' (parent = 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Misc_Buildings/' at 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Misc_Buildings/test/AGtrees_test.for' 0:00:03.710 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'test/AGtrees_test.for' (parent = 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Misc_Buildings/' at 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/custom objects/test/AGtrees_test.for' Does it ring any bell?
  7. Which files are controlling smart exclusions in the final downloaded x2xp scenery? I would like to check it too, if you don't mind.
  8. I assume this is the case for the default airports too, then. Exactly! It is very strange for this to be happening only to my system... It was the reason I re-downloaded XP10 but was very dissapointed when I got the same result all over again. The same thing happens with the OSM scenery as with UK pro. Using the default scenery on max settings is all great, no messed autogen at all. Is there something system-related (Windows 64-bit) that could affect w2xp smart exclusions? System locale, or something like that?
  9. Hi Tony, I am trying to make w2xp work but have serious trouble with smart exclusions as you can see in the following screenshots. This is SBGL (Rio de Janeiro) area. I have downloaded the "w2xp_South-America_osm-ag.7z" and installed it but the autogen is generating trees inside the w2xp buildings and on the airport taxiways. Shouldn't the autogen be excluded by osm buildings? I tried to keep things as simple as possible. In fact I uninstalled and re-downloaded XP 10.35 (Steam), and on clean XP10.35 I installed only the 3 required libraries along with world-models and the w2xp_South-America_osm-ag. No plugins, no nothing. This is what I got. Now, I even disabled some of the default scenery. Here is what XP loads: I found the following scenery packages (prioritized in this order): 0 Custom Scenery/world-models/ 1 Custom Scenery/w2xp_South-America_osm-ag/ 2 Custom Scenery/ff_library/ 3 Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/ 4 Custom Scenery/R2_Library/ 5 Global Scenery/Bug Fixes/ 6 Global Scenery/Extra Islands/ 7 Global Scenery/Recuts 1030/ 8 Global Scenery/X-Plane 10 Global Scenery/ 9 Resources/default scenery/1000 autogen/ 10 Resources/default scenery/1000 decals/ 11 Resources/default scenery/1000 forests/ 12 Resources/default scenery/1000 roads/ 13 Resources/default scenery/1000 urban terrain/ 14 Resources/default scenery/1000 world terrain/ 15 Resources/default scenery/700 roads/ 16 Resources/default scenery/900 beaches/ 17 Resources/default scenery/900 europe objects/ 18 Resources/default scenery/900 forests/ 19 Resources/default scenery/900 roads/ 20 Resources/default scenery/900 us objects/ 21 Resources/default scenery/900 world object placeholders/ 22 Resources/default scenery/airport decals/ 23 Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/ 24 Resources/default scenery/default apt dat/ 25 Resources/default scenery/default atc/ 26 Resources/default scenery/sim objects/ The same thing happens with UK Pro scenery. Trees inside buildings, even on runways. What am I doing wrong and getting this messed scenery? EDIT: These trees must be w2xp autogen, because disabling w2xp also disables the trees in these positions. So the problem has to be not the exclusions but w2xp autogen...
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