CRJ-200 Tutor scenery I am doing the CRJ-200 tutor. I am only English speaking. My question here is about getting the LEVC Airport and Velencia City scenery downloaded for use in the CRJ tutor. ***** On page 4 of the manual: For downloading the scenary you have to go here: and search for “Valencia - Escenario AKESOFT febrero 2011” that is the airport, and if you also want the city look for “Valencia ciudad”. Passport and login are on the same page (on top). **** ??? >>>>>>>> Passport and login are on the same page (on top). <<<<<<<<<<<< Is this meaning I have to Register before downloading the scenery? I am only English speaking. The link to the scenery goes to a foreign language page. Note: I found yesterday the Velencia V2 scenery on X-plane site and downloaded it .. can it be used? For info, scenery is here: ** edit : I now know I should have posted this in the JRollon (commercial) section ... maybe a mod could move it? Best Regards, Vaughan Martell (KDTW)