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Everything posted by vonmarty

  1. Glad to hear you got it working. Which Tutor did you use that gives the steps to do it?
  2. Well, I took a quick look and discovered I am not a programmer. It takes all this to assign one yoke button to turn on the AutoPilot in JRollon Jetstream32? Question: For a programmer .. who knows the steps ... load this .. do this etc. Are there many steps to accomplish this?
  3. Ok, I will check it out. Thanks.
  4. In you screenshots: First 2 green off and one blue off (my lights during taxi) Then 2 green ON and one blue off (during climb My yoke button pressed). Then 2 green ON and one blue ON (what did you do to get this)? I cannot get this Autopilot ON?
  5. "You need something like Ben's Gizmo , SASL or FlyWithLua ect. to "be able to do something" with the dataref" Is this needed to just add a line to the dataref text file? Or is this for programmers?
  6. Ok, Thanks a'lot. I am all up to date now.
  7. I copied and pasted ********* using a text editor .... is that OK?? : J32/AutopilotServosON int n ??? ServosOn It does not show up in the DRE when I search .... I can search for other items ok.. Is this line supposed to be formatted in a special way .. number of spaces between columns? Is this ??? ServosOn : ServosOn a zero 0n or a letter On I do not know what is wrong. I have my Yoke button already assigned to the servo ON. it does not turn ON the autopilot .( blue light) just the servos (two green). Am I supposed to assign to a different one? I also tried servo toggle (that is what I really want) ... it does not turn ON the autopilot .( blue light) just the servos (two green). Does not lite the Autopilot light just the 2 green .
  8. Ok, Thanks. I will go test it.
  9. "I assume that you have Navigraph FMS Data Manager installed." No, for many years I have installed manually and still do. Is the Navigraph Installer (exe file) used with the FMS data Manager or do they work indepently (e.g. could use just the FMS Data Manager) ? "You can also add a second mapping to add the data to the Resources\GNS430\navdata folder." Are you sure? Now, when I scroll to the bottom of the Navigraph Navdata list I see a note about manually installing Xplane Navdata being required and not by the Navigraph Installer/FMS Data Manager. How did you install it (with the current cycle).? Maybe your folder still has older data now? I do not see any thing about installing anything from Navigraph into the Xplane Resources folder. Did you find anything on that??
  10. "This means, if you have the relevant files in Custom Data\GNS430\navdata, the Resources\GNS430 navdata will be ignored (ie:it is pointless to update it)." During normal Xplane usage is the data in the Resources folder needed and used? I had read that the Resource folder is overwritten with new updated Xplane data on each Xplane update. Thus user data put there would be lost. So, a Custom user folder was created which is ignored during Xplane updates ... thus user data would not be over written. My question was .... is there newer data to replace the May 2014 cycle from Aerosoft that was put in the Resources folder there by Xplane 10.31 installer? In other words .... has this data been updated by Xplane since May 2014 ?
  11. I only seen two Navigraph downloads for X-plane, which I mentioned in my first post. What is the name of the Navigraph file you downloaded for the base Resources\GNS430 folder?
  12. For Xplane 10.31 I have Navdata in the Xplane resources folder: F:\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 10\Resources\GNS430\navdata Aerosoft NavDataPro AIRAC cycle : 1405 Revision : 1 Valid (from/to): 01/MAY/2014 - 28/MAY/2014 I seen two navdata downloads from Navigraph but they go into the Custom data folder: F:\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 10\Custom Data Question .. is there an updated navdata for the Resources\GNS430 folder? Note: I have a Navigraph Navdata subscription.
  13. I downloaded the DRE. I have it in my top XP10 menu. I can view the contents of the DataRefs.txt I know now I cannot edit with it! "Remember it's one of javier's custom datarefs, so you might not see it in DataRefEditor unless you define it in DataRefs.txt like I did on my Windows 7 installation," I need to know how to do it ( I have win 7 also). So, now I know I have to manually edit the DataRefs.txt file .. correct? I need to know exactly what DATA I have to put into the the file and does Upper and lower case matter? And can I put it anywhere in the file? If so, I need to know what this means: Try this one: (Note:1=ON, 0=OFF). J32/AutopilotServosON Do I add e.g. : J32/AutopilotServos1 to the top of the DataRefs.txt file? or e.g.: J32/AutopilotServos=1 or : J32/AutopilotServosON After looking around I wonder if it is the Commands file that should get the new data? edit: What I see in Dataref file is very program'ish e.g.: sim/cockpit/autopilot/autopilot_mode int y enum The autopilot master mode (off=0, flight director=1, on=2) sim/cockpit/autopilot/airspeed_mode int n enum Airspeed mode for the autopilot. DEPRECATED sim/cockpit/autopilot/heading_mode int n enum Lateral navigation mode (GPS, heading, L-Nav approach). DEPRECATED sim/cockpit/autopilot/altitude_mode int n enum Vertical navigation (alt hold, VVI hold, V-Nav approach). DEPRECATED sim/cockpit/autopilot/backcourse_on int y boolean Back course selection sim/cockpit/autopilot/altitude float y ftmsl Altitude dialed into the AP
  14. Thank you. I will do it today and test for no crash.
  15. Sorry for double post .. i must have it save button two times.
  16. Thanks for the reply. Ok, I wait here for other help. Edit: Your location ... Madrid - Spain Yes, I know from the manual introduction (good reading it) I will file over your house on my first CRJ200 tutor flight ... after I finish reading data into my head. But today I finish setting up your JS32 on PC .. all is OK.
  17. I am new to JS32. Very nice aircraft. I need help binding a yoke button to turn ON the autopilot (blue switch/button on the panel). I tried servos ON and servos Toggle but thse just blinks the Autopilot blue switch/button .... autopilot will not stay ON.
  18. "Is Philip a developer?" Yes ... ok I seen a Philip in the CRJ manual ... he did a very good job in the avionics /system. Thanks for the feedback ... Have a good day.
  19. "Philipp has a better explanation of it somewhere here." I am new here .. Is Philip a developer? Ok, I will look around some more. Note: The worry is, whenever there is a crash (hard drive or ro software) ... could opwn files/folders including Windows (or MAC) become damaged because they were not properly shut down?
  20. José, Thanks for the follow up. So, for now, I will keep "Runways Follow Terrain" option = OFF (CRJ tutor flight) LESA JRollon custom scenery.
  21. Thanks for the reply. "Issue with X-Plane and changes that cannot be worked around for the CRJ. This is covered in other topics already." I had searched but found nothing. I am new member so I need to read a lot. So, the CRJ CTD on exiting XP10 It is a rather bad problem to fix? Was this issue covered in other topics (other than the one link you provided) prior in this forum?
  22. CRJ-200 XP10.31 After doing prestart cockpit checks (learning doing the tutor) I exit the sim any time (like, before engine start) and get a CTD. This has happened a number of times with CRJ-200 over past few days. Windows event viewer: X-Plane.exe 545ce9cb win.xpl 50ad83e0 c0000005 000000000005a730 750 01d018bddf56a7f5 F:\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 10\X-Plane.exe F:\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\CRJ-200\plugins\CRJAvionics\64\win.xpl 80c97eaa-84b7-11e4-a882-50e5493a5064 Note: By contrast, with the Baron, I have never had a CTD.
  23. José, "I have x-plane native for LESA and this effect does not happen." I searched but did not locate it. Do you happen to have a link?
  24. I got the scenery from a link in JRollon's CRJ-200 tutor manual ... nothing from FSX.
  25. Ok, Will do. Thanks. Edit: I had it originally "check" ... unchecking the box got all back to normal for this airport.
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