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  1. I believe this is related the rain and snow effect. I have a similar issue on the ground.
  2. 2019-03-09 23:41:58 TBM900[fail.c:932]: Component left gear brake disc has failed due to excessive wear (worn: 100.000000%, slope 1.0). You can prevent this by observing performance limitations and servicing the aircraft regularly in the maintenance hangar. 2019-03-09 23:41:58 TBM900[fail.c:935]: Failure impact: sim/operation/failures/rel_lbrakes 2019-03-09 23:41:58 TBM900[fail.c:932]: Component right gear brake disc has failed due to excessive wear (worn: 100.000000%, slope 1.0). You can prevent this by observing performance limitations and servicing the aircraft regularly in the maintenance hangar. 2019-03-09 23:41:58 TBM900[fail.c:935]: Failure impact: sim/operation/failures/rel_rbrakes 2019-03-09 23:43:37 TBM900[elec.c:1182]: MAIN GEN tripped (69.6A, 28.2V, rpm: 0) 2019-03-09 23:44:03 TBM900[maint.c:2038]: assertion "fail->fail_name != ((void *)0)" failed: Log.txt
  3. Here's the log you requested. I was able to reproduce the problem once I completely wore off the brake pad so that the aircraft would not stop. Or maybe it was too hot? When I removed the airframe and create a new one, I was able to access the landing gear maintenance mode. Log.txt
  4. That white line can be removed by turning off the rain and ice effect. BTW the rain effect was one of the best. I wish I could remove that white stuff.
  5. Hello, I noticed it crashed when select the landing gear tab in Maintenance Manager. I already tried removing all other plugins except gizmo. Same result. Also, I noticed on the edge of the windshields and windows there are some white line or something. I have never saw this in previous version. Please take a look at this. Thank you. TBM900_Log.txt
  6. That's good news! Thanks!!!
  7. Hello, While I was reading a review about PilotEdge, I found that 340A is not really flyable with PilotEdge due to its radio controls. (according to ASN's PilotEdge review: http://asn-xp.aerosoft.com/?page_id=11834 ) Is that true? If so, it is absolutely a bad thing that I cannot fly my 340A in PE network. So, my question is: Are you guys going to make a change on the radio control so that people like me will enjoy piloting 340A in PE network? Thanks, KC
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