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  1. Late response here but I found a solution for my system... In SMP4, if I turn off the cloud shadows, the FPS hit goes away and it acts similar to the previous version. If you are having an issue with FPs, try disabling the shadows and give it a shot. Worked for me.
  2. I have tried XP11 with v4 and it seems to run about the same as v3 did in 11. It just seems to run worse on xp10 with my machine.
  3. Just did my first flight with V4 in XP10. With the same settings as v3, my FPS are considerably lower. Anybody else experiencing this?
  4. Im pretty familiar with Cumulus clouds. I've never seen a cloud in RW that extends down to the earth in this fashion... Not even microbursts...
  5. Is this how a thunderstorm is supposed to look? Looks more like a nuke was dropped in the Detroit area...
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