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Everything posted by CMBH

  1. Hello I'm French , I want to generate my country ( Provence Alpes Cotes d'Azur In French ) But I have only 247 mb of memory and off course a Out Of Memory , I have read your pdf And I do not manage to increase this memory ! Please help me I'm not a good informaticien ^^
  2. Yes I understand I work on fsx on scenary and repaint!! Good courage for quite your project!!
  3. Hello, Sorry for my English I'm French I wanted to speak to you about a request enough to pronounce in France. You with create the CRJ 200 then why not a CL 415!! It is a known extraordinary plane all over the world and that make our happiness. he is present in X-Plane but instrument in the pleased near the reel, a cockptit 3d, the sounds and indeed near the other one is missing. If you made this creation will certainly have liked by a lot of French, Italian, Spanish etc... very good for your CRJ 200 project
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