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Everything posted by k5vinnie

  1. I was just thinking about years ago when a cool flight sim was called "Jet Fighter" and "Jet Fighter II". I played it on my father's 286 and 386 and 486DX with a massive 8MB HDD! I just added Sky MAXX Pro to my X-Plane 10 and was amazed at the difference. -Andy or Top Gun for the original Nintendo?
  2. Thanks JG. Good to know about the altitudes though. -ANdy
  3. I was able to program the flight plan I wanted into an xplane10 fms... save the flight plan with altitudes... and the load it into the corvallis G1000. Just can't see the LON part when doing the entry.-Andy
  4. JG, Here's a screen cap of the LAT/LON where I'm getting stuck. -Andy
  5. Yep. Figured it out this morning. Question I do have... Longitude / Latitude waypoints... When I click the L/L button it brings up a window that defaults to an entry +00.000 for the LAT. I enter my LAT as +39.170 but can't figure out how to change to the LON entry. Tried the knobs... hitting ENT... SEL left or right... This should be my last question regarding this topic... the rest has been working well... I didn't see anything in the POH regarding entering Altitudes for each waypoint entry that would feed to the AP. Is that not enabled? No big deal. Thank you JG. -Andy
  6. OK. While I've figured out part of this I'm still having a problem with the waypoint actually showing up in the active plan window. I go thru, enter the airport, it finds the right one, when I press and hold ENT.. the waypoint window drops away but the point never shows in the active plan window. It shows the red line on my nav screen and is displayed at the top of the screen.. but not in my active plan and entering multiple points seems to be a nogo as well. I went step by step this time!!! -Andy
  7. JG, I just figured out the bug... and it's not a bug. I didn't realize it actually mattered which FPL button you pressed!!! The RIGHT screen's FPL button!!!! The little yellow boxes didn't show up when I was searching for clickable areas on the right side but did for the left side. Good to go sir. Works beautifully! -Andy
  8. JG, I followed the manual step by step. When it gets to the part where I should be able to use the keypad to enter in my segments... I can't. Not the support I expected. Everything else seems to work perfect. The main reason for buying this add-on was because the xplane10 c400 was too basic and I wanted real nav or at least better nav. Is there an update? My account shows downloads remaining... Does that mean there are updates waiting? Or is that max downloads for the product purchased? I'll add some screenshots later so you can see where I'm getting stuck.
  9. I just purchased the Corvallis TT today and have been having problems getting ANYTHING entered into the nav system. When I press the "DIRECT TO" button, the screen pops up but there is no "Ready Pad" button to allow me to enter airports, vor, waypoints, etc... Any help here would be great. Thank you. -Andy
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