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Everything posted by ezfox

  1. Still works great in XP11.36r2 with some minor fixes done in World Editor. Thank you very much to give new life to Meigs Field !
  2. I have issues with the T/D and descent profile of the FMS. If the FP doesnt contain a FIX between the T/D one normally would expect (about 60miles before the destination), the FMS places the T/D shortly before the last FIX (even if its still 200miles to destination) and starts the descent. It descents then to 10.000ft, holds this altitude to the destination and continues the descent when apropriate. Last example i have was the flight from MTPP to TXKF over ETBOD UB891 PTA M596 NUBUS L459 TALSU L458 BDA. Last FIX before BDA (target altitude set by FMS 8453ft) is GECAL. Cruise altitude was FL350. The FMS places the T/D short before GECAL, the FIX gets an altitude set by FMS of FL284. The airplane descents to 10.000ft, the vertical deviation value on the FMS then starts to rise even higher then current altitude (so if we would follow its path we would dive into ocean). Later the vertical deviation value resets to 25.000ft (CRZ alt minus current alt) and decreases again while the plane continues to fly at 10.000ft. Short before BDA it resets again to 0 and then the plane follows the descent path one normaly would expect. Please let me know if you need further informations. greetz, Enrico
  3. Ah, sorry - didnt see that he was running OSX. I´m on Windows 7 64bit.
  4. I´m using the Steam version and Saab without problems, but i dont have FF757 and Amsterdam installed. Maybe you want to check if it runs without these two additions.
  5. It all has happened before. Check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siberia_Airlines_Flight_1812 for details !!! For me the real question is why the FAA allowed and still allows civil planes to travel over warzones. There was a restriction to have minimum height of 30.000ft when crossing Ukraine before MH17 happened.. Now we know that its not safe even above 30.000ft - this is proven at least now and it was known before - because of what happened to Siberia 1812 flying at 36.000ft ! And what does the FAA do in response to MH17 ? They issue a new restriction to only fly above Iraq with minimum height of: tada...30.000ft Doesnt make any sense from my pov and until the regulators of air traffic in general dont change this behaviour, this list will grow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airliner_shootdown_incidents
  6. Hi, i checked the forum but did not find anything regarding this graphical issue. I attach a screenshot here, where it is clearly visible. rgds, Enrico
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