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Everything posted by rjsagel

  1. Hello, This problem has been solved. I downloaded the 737 again. I also downloaded the IGOCONNECT again - there was a newer version. The program now works fine Cheers, Ron Sagel
  2. Members 0 11 posts Report post Posted 14 hours ago (edited) Hello, Just bought and added IGOconnect and IGOdispatch. I set up the software and checked the install. Setup is OK. Loaded the 737. I also just downloaded the most recent version and installed. I checked the port (7767) and address to run the connect ( on my computer) When I push the connect button in DISPATCH ACARS the program says it is resetting the connections and then stops. The error is that XPLANE 11 is totally out of memory. I removed all extra plugins and reduced the display items to very low settings - same result - out of memory. I tested the connection with TELNET - the connection has been made OK per Telnet. I then started IGOdispatch - set the port to 7767 and pressed the ACARS red button. All items in ACARS said RESETTING The program then stopped with the error OUT OF MEMORY I just tried to remove all plugins that are add-ons and reduced display settings to LOW - same result as before - OUT OF MEMORY when red button in ACARS is pressed The log extracted this: ++++++++++++++ iGoConnect extracted the following Plane Technical Data ++++++++++++++ AIRPLANE: Boeing 737-300 VMO-MMO: 0=340|25500=0.82M FLAPS SPEED LIMITS: 1=230|2=230|5=225|10=210|15=195|25=190|30=185|40=158 GEAR SPEED LIMITS: VLE=320|VLOE=270|VLOR=235 MAXIMUM RAMP WEIGHT: 140000 MAXIMUM TAKEOFF WEIGHT: 124499 MAXIMUM LANDING WEIGHT: 114001 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0:03:13.311 E/SYS: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:03:13.311 E/SYS: | X-Plane is totally out of memory. 0:03:13.311 E/SYS: | Next time, turn down your rendering settings or remove add-ons to avoid this problem. 0:03:13.311 E/SYS: | If you cannot restart X-Plane you may have to delete your preferences, found in the Output folder. 0:03:13.311 E/SYS: | http://lookup.x-plane.com/_lookup_11_/no_mem.html 0:03:13.311 E/SYS: | (UTL_memory.cpp:1116) 0:03:13.311 E/SYS: +--------------------------------------------------------------------- Any ideas here? Thanks in advance Cheers, Ron Sagel
  3. Hello, It is plugin related. The last one I removed was ITOW and the flight was OK. I will keep trying my plugins and report when something pops up. Thanks and cheers, Ron Sagel
  4. Hello, Ground Handling is not loaded in Xplane 10 Ron Sagel
  5. Hello, I am having a problem with the Windows Command Prompt window activating and cannot stop or erase the window. It causes me to terminate Xplane 10 and reload again. I have tried removing plugins but the problem is "fatal". I have included the log file. The flight is from KLGA to KCHS and has failed to proceed after numerous tries. I have tried cold and dark as well as full system running starts. I have also tried taxi from gate as well as starting at the runway. The command window pops up at random times but is always during taxi or after takeoff power is applied. Log.txt
  6. Hello, I just did the new update of my DC3 to 1.2. I'm sure this is my problem ( probably missed something here) but my compass is 180 deg out of sync. Only on the DC3. All other A/C work fine. Did I miss something here? Cheers, Ron Sagel
  7. Thank you again, Cheers, Ron Sagel
  8. Hello again, All is fine now - controls for other Aircraft are saved since I exit the J32 with the controls unlocked. One more question please - can I assign the prop levers that I use (set up for other aircraft ) to the J32 prop levers? Once again - cheers, Ron Sagel
  9. Thank you for the quick response - I will reread the manual per your help Cheers, Ron Sagel
  10. Hello, I installed the most recent version of the Jetstream 32 that I purchased yesterday. I have the most current version of XPLANE 10 I can use either 32 bit or 64 bit versions - I prefer the 64 bit I use Win 7 - 64 bit I have a very large GOFLIGHT setup My joystick is a Saitek X52 The problem is the use of my control setups. When I call up the setup for my controls, and select a control to add - say the PROP control. the list of the control selections "flies by" - meaning it is always in motion and is not selectable. When I return to a different aircraft, the controls are fine but the setup does not carry to the J32 Iam probably missing something here but I read the manual and cannort find the solution. I cannnot seem to get it to work for the JETSTREAM 32. It works for ALL of my other aircraft - many are yours. Thanks in advance, Ron Sagel
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