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  1. Sim runs smooth.. it was installed on a new machine, with nothing but Flightsims on it.
  2. BTW, no issues when using Microsoft Flight Sim
  3. I deleted Xplane and re-installed, but still same thing
  4. For instance, I cannot steer with my rudder pedals, it just goes where ever it wants. Applying power to take off, sometimes works, sometimes it does nothing. When it does work and I lift off, the yoke is very erratic. There is no control, most of the time if I even try to make a slight turn it completely does an aileron roll. Cool, but not when your trying to train. Horizontal control usually means a extreme pitch up and a stall.
  5. I running Windows 8 64bit i5-3570 3.80Ghz 8GB ram Nvidia GeForce GTX 660Ti video card Latest Xplane 10 updates. I have tried all the calibration tests and reset everything to standard.
  6. I can't seem to get my CH Products yoke to work correctly. I am not sure if there is a new driver update, but not matter what I do, restart, uninstall- reinstall, nothing seems to fix the issue. @Ntr09 help!!
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