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  1. I am not so much concerned about the blade colors as I am about the conflict with Track IR when I look up while flying (banked forward) and the view freezes, I just thought two issues might be related. Is SMP not compatible with Track IR in certain scenarios?
  2. I fly at low altitudes (5k and below) given that I only fly Helis and small GA aircraft (SR20, Tecnam P92). Are you saying that low altitude flying does not render the cloud distance settings picked in both SMP and XP Weather visibility options?
  3. SMP3 seems to interfere with my panning in track ir (freezes when looking at clouds through spinning heli blades) and the blades on my heli turn a funny color when SMP clouds are in the background. Log.txt
  4. I just purchased SMP 3 and the cloud draw distance does not seem to extend to the horizon. Attached are photos of what i am seeing. To me, there is not much difference than the earlier version of SMP, but i have seen pics and vids where SMP3 draws farther than on my system. Is there a setting or config that I am missing? Log.txt
  5. Thanks....
  6. So is this a limitation in X-Plane itself? Why does (higher clouds) not draw farther away in the distance?
  7. @FLOB - Thanks for the explanation. @Scotchegg - Thanks also for clarifying my post, the video was referring to the draw distance of the clouds and most of you got that point.
  8. My cloud draw distance is not far at all from the aircraft to the horizon, even with the visibility setting in X-plane set to maximum and draw distance to maximum in SMP. I have seen videos where the cloud distance is far (see below). However, my clouds look nothing like the video as far as distance is concerned.
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