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About trok

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Same problem for me Inviato dal mio Galaxy S4 con Tapatalk
  2. Ok Thanks Inviato dal mio Galaxy S4 con Tapatalk
  3. Hi to all, ho can I fix my problem? I have Windows 8, x-plane 64 10.22 Last beta, Crj 200 1.5.2 and when i select my plane I see down on the right the Gizmo icon with a count (timer start at 300 seconds). There is no option to activate my plane. If I open Gizmo menu, I can see the activation Page, but after entered my email and pwd I got This error: "activation fail". My account and password are entered good. Inviato dal mio Galaxy S4 con Tapatalk
  4. hi cameron, don't forget me! And thanks for the update
  5. I not received the update, cameron can yo send it also to me? g.cangiano[et]maw-superaereo.it
  6. Every time I have problem with activation online! I hope will be a new activation system in the future without this problems!!! If you remember.. I had similar problem with marquise!
  7. Hi all. I format the pc and 2 day ago I got this errors when I tried to activate again my crj-200. "You used all of your licences, contact order@x-aviation.com". Now, today I tried to activate again my crj and I se this message "Saving licence file" in the activation windows (the windows remain and I can't use the plane). Please can you solve this problem quickly? I sent 4 e-mail to x-aviation and one PM to cameron but no answers.
  8. ok bye bye for the crj.. let me wait another project. :-P This is the problem when many company show their project early and the wait for the release is very big. Jrollon, Xp-jet, the Xp-10... all is going out of the promised realease date. I think that is better to not sow the work in progress.. since the work is not close to the beta version. At moment from 2-3 yrs we still not have a good plane for XP. I cna say only this we have a good simulator but not some good planes... all promise and nothing is arrived.
  9. good, do you know the price of the crj?
  10. I think that the best idea is to release some plane now. We are still waiting the CRJ-200 and many other planes... and you ask vote for another plane :-D
  11. If you'll give me a psd file. I'll make a very good KLM template like this: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=11421
  12. We must wait 10 yrs for have the ERJ?? Any news, any release date? thanks Now X-plane don't have a liner that can compare with FSX... I hope we will see something soon
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