Hi Goran, Thanks for the reply. I allocated one of my quadrant levers to the generic "mixture" parameter, but it still doesn't work. I will try again, going through the data ref, and will come back to you. I also realized I can't "practice" landings by using the 3NM or 10Nm approach to a runway, as the plane's engines won't be running. I don't know about other flight simmers, but for me, landing a plane us the most difficult part of the whole flying experience, so with any new plane I buy, I usually start by learning how to land it, which I can't do with the SAAB. I repeat, it is a beautiful plane, and I admire all the attention to detail, but I'll have to take a deep breath and try again. (I haven't managed to even start the engines so far) Btw, where is the Tutorial? I downloaded and printed out your 200 odd pages manual, but that is more of a reference book on everything in the plane. The tutorial would indeed be a big help