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  1. @ Camerond I've deleted it
  2. Finally… my apologies for the earlier "ranting" It is clear that I should have done a lot more reading before posting. Maybe there should be some kind of "notice" to traditional X-plane users that this plane (Saab 340) IS very different from the usual X-plane aircraft when it comes to implementation of the functions. Thanks also to Igorland for working on the xsaitekpanels.ini file for this plane. It does help to have more of the hardware working now
  3. @ igorland YESSS!!! Thank you!! @cameron: Managed to get the condition levers mapped
  4. @Tomcat. Sorry, but please don't jump to conclusions without really knowing what I meant. I perfectly know how to adjust the xsaitekpanels.ini file. I am not that stupid. But the issue here is that we have a plane that us completely different from the usual X-planes, whether freeware or pay ware. Just a simple example: the "Joystick & equipment" menu item in X-plane seems not applicable to this plane as changing the parameter for the quadrant has no effect. As has been explained to me, it seems to be done through something called Gizmo. I will gladly admit that I had not really read those parts of the "quick set-up" because I assumed this plane is similar to the other planes when it comes to working with Saitek Yokes/quadrants/etc. I was not aware about the Gizmo issue, my fault, sorry. I am reasonably familiar with adjusting the "USB" devices using the ini file, but I am NOT a computer programmer. If you are saying we must be experts in programming USB devices before we can make comments, then I am obviously in the wrong league here. I am a 68 year old guy who only started sim flying about a year ago. I learned a lot, and I know I have a lot more to learn. As I said earlier, I am very fascinated by this plane, but I guess I got culture shock when I realized it is VERY different from the planes I have when it comes to integrating it into my system at home. Isn't it obvious that when I am trying to map my quadrants to the levers in the SAAB, I would go to where I always went, i.e. to the X-plane menu? I will try and make my radio panel work, the same with the multi panel, it's just that I had not expected these complications. I noticed that (as far as I know) the X-aviation SAAB is not listed in the x-plane.org store. I only heard about it when reading FSPilot. Any reason?
  5. @ Goran, My apologies, I did find the Tutorial and 10 step quick start. I will also try and map my quadrant as per instructions. It will still leave me without being able to use my Radio and Multi Panel, but I'll find a way. Thanks for your (and Ben's) speedy replies. I may be a pain in the neck but I'm not giving up until I have flown this beast!
  6. Hi Ben, I had no idea of of Sparker's decision, but it seems to me that x-aviation is the odd ball here as they have their own implementation of various function. Sparker's plug in is free and a favour to people who bought Saitek gear, because Saitek themselves do not offer support for X-plane. Saitek's gear is superior to CH and that's what many of us bought it. The Sparker plug in will work at least 90% "out of the box" There is a manual on how to create your own xsaitekpanels.ini file using the data refs, and that can make the panels give 99% functionality. In fact the only "problem" panel is the switch panel which may have some switches not working on some planes.( The Radio and Multi panels work 100% on all my planes.) One can either develop one's one XSaitekPanels.ini file for a specific plane or get it from someone who went through the trouble of doing that. But it seems that X-Aviation Saab is completely different so I wouldn't know where to start to make my own .ini file.
  7. Hi Goran, Thanks for the reply. I allocated one of my quadrant levers to the generic "mixture" parameter, but it still doesn't work. I will try again, going through the data ref, and will come back to you. I also realized I can't "practice" landings by using the 3NM or 10Nm approach to a runway, as the plane's engines won't be running. I don't know about other flight simmers, but for me, landing a plane us the most difficult part of the whole flying experience, so with any new plane I buy, I usually start by learning how to land it, which I can't do with the SAAB. I repeat, it is a beautiful plane, and I admire all the attention to detail, but I'll have to take a deep breath and try again. (I haven't managed to even start the engines so far) Btw, where is the Tutorial? I downloaded and printed out your 200 odd pages manual, but that is more of a reference book on everything in the plane. The tutorial would indeed be a big help
  8. @Ben I use the XSaitekpanels plug in available on x-plane.org. As I mentioned in my reply to Goran, the plugin works almost for 90 % on all planes. The Radio panel and the Multi panel works on all of them completely. The Switch Panel works 95% on the Dash 8 (the panel light switch doesn't work) On the Carenado Beechcraft B58, I got some help from someone with a LUA plugin to make most of the switches to work. All these pay ware planes allow you to set the yoke, rudder, quadrants in X-plane's "Joystick & Equipment" menu.
  9. @ Goran. Sorry if I hurt your pride. The plane you designed is an engineering masterpiece. I have never seen anything so detailed. I had read a review about it and decided to buy it. N But, remember, most of us wanna fly the thing, not just marvel at all the intricate details. Flying is still the no 1 priority, and for me that includes preparing flight plans and then complete the flight. Unfortunately, the flying experience is not there when I cannot even adjust NAV or COM settings easily and quickly, or operate the power and prop levers with my quadrants I fly FlyJSim's Dash 8, I have two Beechcraft's from Carenado, and I also bought a Pilatus (STMA) ALL these pay ware planes implement at least the Saitek Radio panel and the Multipanel. They also implement most of the Switch panel I can adjust Flaps, trim, up down gear, all autopilot functions, I can control power, prop and mixture from the quadrant. But not on this SAAB. 340. Do you really expect me to fly this plane with the mouse?? That is such a let down after all the energy you spent on making this so detailed
  10. I just bought the Saab 340 and didn't realize Saitek equipment is not compatible with this plane. What a waste of money! I hate using the mouse to adjust NAV, COM etc. Also the quadrant that comes with the Saitek Yoke only controls the Power. Cannot allocate the other quadrant levers to the CON lever, All other planes I bought from Carenado and FJSim work perfect with my Saitek gear. I have just wasted money on an extremely complicated plane to fly. On the one hand you want your plane to be as realistic as possible (and you really did a great job there) but then you expect us to use a mouse for everything except the yoke????? I wish I could get my money back
  11. Installed it, also have opensceneryX and R2Library, but only see a blank purple building and only runways and aprons. What's missing? I'm on X-plane 10
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