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Everything posted by joni80

  1. Hi, on my first flight with the 1.5 Update I had some findings which look like bugs to me, these are the following: 1. Window Heat R switches cause the wrong OFF light to illuminate; R FWD illuminates the OFF light of R Side and vice versa 2. The cabin light indications in the GUI do not seem to sync with the position of the switches in on the cabin panel; i.e. the checkmark stays on in the GUI even though I turned them off on the panel 3. The L RWY Turnoff Light has a second light cone illuminating a part of the L Engine, as seen in the screenshot the RH side does not feature the same light cone Thanks for your time and I hope that these findings can be useful for future updates.
  2. Hi, One of my Airframes is having an issue in that upon setting the plane up, the SVS Inop message appeared and didn't go away upon the IRS's and GPS being aligned. Re-Aligning the IRS and also restarting the Sim and powering up the plane again is also not helping with it. Upon looking into the PL21 Advanced Operators Guide, it advises one to press the FCP XFR button, yet this also doesn't help; infact both CPT and FO PFD's are showing the SVS Inop message. Upon doing some digging in the ARINC 429 Browser, the responsible SVC/1 is showing up, but its transmitter SVC/0, is showing up as being offline. Below the screenshot showing left the "broken" airframe, right being a completely new one: The same goes for the L-GPS-2 Bus, where the Receiver SVC/0 is also logically shown as offline. Most likely the other Busses that provide data for SVC/0 show the same result, yet I did not search them up for now. All 3 IRS are aligned and all are showing the same position. Both GNSS's are also aligned and are indicating the same position as the IRS's, so to my understanding the SVS should not bail out due to the position being off. Below are 2 screenshots, again comparing the 2 Airframes (Upper the "broken" one, Lower the New one) I am aware that creating a new Airframe would solve the issue, though I'm kinda curious to find out if the Airframe is still "fixable". I did check the CB panels, yet could not find any popped CB. With my resources, I am unable to say if there is some CB responsible for the SVC, hence I wouldn't know if some CB popped in another area of the plane. Any insights regarding this issue are appreciated. Log.txt
  3. So the thing that I found with this "bug" was that once retracting the speedbrake via my rotary knob, the speedbrakes retracted. Yet when I clicked on the speedbrake, to move it with my mouse, it immediately jumped to the fully extended position, and only upon retracting it with my mouse/axis a second time the TOWS would not engage for this. So from my experience it wasn't that the rotary knob didn't retract the speedbrake fully, but rather that some code still thought the speedbrakes were fully extended.
  4. Thanks for the fast answer, and I guess as for the nav light that it was my assumption until now, yet I can live with that if it now as it comes from a real world pilot. Also I don't think the Fuel Flow meter jittering a bit, is too tragic as I found it being present in the older versions and I never noticed it. Must have something to do with having too much time focusing on minor things right now
  5. Hi, First off all I would like to thank you for fixing all the issues with 1.3 so quickly . During my first "inspection" of 1.31 I've found a couple of things that might be and issue: 1. In the Turnaround and Ready to Fly state the Nav Lights are in the off position 2. There's a UV map? problem on the Cockpit Door knob, this seems to be on all sides of the plate that I've circled: 3. I stand to be corrected on this one, yet on the Digital Guages when spooling up reverse thrust to full, the carots and Numbers on the Fuel flow indicator jitter around at about 4000Kgs/hr, Yet when spooling up forward thrust this doesn't happen. For visualization here I have made Gifs of both, first the Reverse Thrust spooling: https://gyazo.com/dec11b81399afa606012dad88f05e7f0 The Forward Thrust spooling: https://gyazo.com/4ca990f5365fad01540600a8eb090f7a
  6. Thanks for all your input, I think I've identified the culprit as being my Speedbrakes Axis, as when I retract the speedbrakes after landing with it something goes wrong so that the aircraft internally has some value with them being extended. So simply extending them a bit and then retracting them again fixed the problem.
  7. I've tried it again, and even though my Trim was in green band, Aileron+Rudder Trim zero, autobrake RTO, Flaps set according to FMS input, and Speedbrakes retracted and unarmed. I'll try to keep out an eye on my next flights though...
  8. Hi, I've found another couple of issues with the newest update: 1. Steam Guages N1 Bug selector screen text doesn't quite fit in the screens and therefore is either partially not displayed or partially in the left screen: 2. The Solenoid? of the yokes goes into the panel when they are i.e. set to the lowest height.(I know that's the "wrong height" and therefore this happens) 3. Once I've done a turn around and takeoff again the takeoff config warning horn sounds even though everything should be in takeoff config. This also happened in the previous version. This occurs on every takeoff after I do a turnaround and do not reload the sim. Perhaps I'm forgetting something, yet I can't find anything wrong in my switch postions.
  9. Hi, In the newest version 1.3 I've found that on the Digital Guages, the N2 Bug for both Engines 1 and 2 only indicates for engine 1. The values are independant, yet the bug isn't as you can see in the gif that I've attached: https://gyazo.com/a96ebf8867dd0474de8c031c9cf7eef1 Other than that I must thank you for finally implementing scroll wheel support even when it is reversed right now
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