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Everything posted by Heiko

  1. Hi Frank, I started with no plugings with a clean install. Then I added them one by one. I start getting reproducable crashes when using SkyMaxx and UltraWx (EFASS) at the same time and the crashes stop when I disable either UltraWx or SkyMaxx. I am a passionate user of x-plane, not a professional tester. I dislike the sim crashing before finishing my flight. I will therefore keep one of the two a.m. plugins disabled until someone finds a clue. If, by chance, I find out more specific details, I will post again, of course. Thank you for your support and keep up the good work! Cheers, Heiko
  2. EFASS UltraWX plugin and SkyMaxx do not mix well and cause issues.
  3. Thank you Frank. I guess I have too many plugins at work, interfering with each other. I did a clean new install. As addons I will use the FF757 as my favourite a/c only. I will also use EFASS but this time without any plugins and without UltraWx (which requires plugin). Those two (FF757 and EFASS) are more important to me than the "eyecandy" SkyMaxx is providing (no degrading of SkyMaxx intendend, just my personal preference). If the crashes stop, I will install SkyMaxx again and see what happens. Btw: I found out that after deinstalling SkyMaxx not all files were removed. At least in the plugin folder a subfolder called "SilverLining" remained which contains a file called "settings.dat". Does this file do anything? Cheers, Heiko
  4. Dear All, here we go with some funny weather and the next crash. suspicious weather crash.txt
  5. Thank you for the fast response. Lack of memory might be an issue. I thought 3GB of video RAM should be enough by maybe there is a need for more during loading. Meanwhile I had another comparable crash without SkyMaxx installed. That made me reduce the overall texture resolution from extreme to very high. The next flight (same route) went without crash. I now installed SkyMaxx again. I will report. Cheers, Heiko
  6. Dear All, I had two crahes today with Skymaxx 2.1.1 installed. In the first instance the log.txt did not mention Siverline but since I had updated today I was suspicious and deinstalled Skymaxx. After flying a while without issues I newly installed Skymaxx 2.1.1 and had a second crash. I am attaching the log.txt (renamed to Silverline Crash.txt). Please check. For now I have deinstalled Skymaxx again to avoid further issues. Cheers, Heiko Silverline Crash.txt
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