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Everything posted by c2wagner

  1. Also, I forgot to add that you do NOT want to arm the approach mode. Approach mode is only for an ILS approach. You simply set the inbound course for the localizer (ie, the opposite runway you are lined up with, the needle should be pointed towards you), and arm the BC mode. It should fly just like a normal LOC approach from that point. If you enter the back course with the course selector knob, you will receive reverse sensing. (ie, you fly opposite of what the green needle is telling you, make the needle come to you instead of chasing it.)
  2. When shooting a Back Course, make sure you set the OBS to the front course of the approach. I'm not looking at the approach right now, but you said the localizer course was for runway 26, so lets say the front course is 260 degrees. If you want to shoot the back course to runway 8, you would tune the frequency for the localizer, and set the course selector to the front course of 260 degrees. On the Autopilot control panel, you select the localizer back course. I'm guessing you were getting reverse sensing due to setting the wrong course with the course selector knob.
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