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Everything posted by cygnusx1

  1. Thanks all! Will do this straight away! Bob
  2. Hello again all! I have updated to the latest beta (5?) and am still having the same challenge...even with putting myself in areas during the hurricane, no yellows or reds appeared, and little to no "green". There are areas of cloud cover represented however. I verified that I am downloading the real weather. Thanks for all of your responses...I am going to wait it out, and see if anything changes!
  3. Hi all! Do you know if SkymaxxPro needs to be re-installed each time the latest XP10 version is downloaded and updated (like today, beta 4 came out)? Thanks! Bob
  4. Hello! I am running the latest XP10 version 10.30 beta 3 I believe? It was released a few days ago. Thanks so much for your response! Bob
  5. Thanks so much for the responses. I did indeed check to make sure that I was grabbing the real weather, and decided to start-up at about 15 different airports around the US, while looking at radar (knowing the weather in XP10 runs about an hour behind...thanks ointment!) I started at numerous airports in Michigan, Indiana, Texas, and Florida. None were showing and reds or yellows, and maybe just one or two tiny green areas. No severe weather...anywhere on map view. Is there a text entry in the XP10 text file which dictates how much severe weather gets represented? I feel like perhaps I am missing something. Lastly, does SkyMaxx Pro (when grabbing real world weather) represent weather in the same way the default (without SkyMaxx installed) XP10 would? I certainly don't want to uninstall SkyMaxx Pro! : ) Thanks again all! Bob
  6. Hi all! I wanted to check in again, regarding how weather is represented in X10, with SkyMaxx Pro latest version. I love the challenge of flying in challenging weather, especially when there are severe storms to fly around, and have seen a lack of accuracy lately, when using real world weather. If I see an area being inundated with rain or storms, I'll set myself up in that area, and will find there are no storms depicted in X10 (no "red" or "yellow"), and mostly only cloud cover. And I'm not saying a fast moving squall line, because I know the real weather is delayed, but persistent rain/storms. I've attached a screenshot from X10 of the Chicago area from this morning. When this screenie was taken, we were in the middle of a storm (rain, winds, lightning, etc.) and had been storming for at least 30-40 minutes. So I guess my question is, do I have my system configured wrong? Or is this just the nature of XP10's weather reporting? I love XP10, and love SkyMaxx Pro - but am just wondering if I am doing something wrong, as the weather doesn't always show up properly. THANK YOU ALL for any insight you may provide!!! Bob
  7. Hi! LOVE the product, and just had a visibility inquiry. Today I ran a flight into KDCA, broken clouds 1,500 to 5,000 and 2 mile visibility. The weather depicted with real-weather on, and SkyMaxx pro v1.3 running, was different that the real weather reports. I've attached a few photos...one a few miles out, and one on the runway at KDCA. Is this a random glitch, or a limitation of SkyMaxx pro...or perhaps the downloaded weather? KRIC was accurately depicted, but KDCA not. I love IFR flying and low vis approaches. MANY THANKS again for a wonderful product! Bob
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