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Everything posted by Shrimpfarmer

  1. Congratulations on producing an exceptional scenery. Oh how I wish we had something of that quality for the UK. I will certainly be buying it, looks like a beautiful place to fly. I can learn all about the island before I visit the place in real life. Shrimpy
  2. I would like to assign zoom in/out to the mouse wheel. Is this possible and if so how ? I couldn't see any option to do this in the menu.
  3. Hi folks Is there a solution currently that allows you to save joystick and keyboard setups for different aircraft? I am aware of the current development of X-joystick which sounds just the ticket but is there anything else that can be done whilst we wait for that plugin? Shrimpy
  4. Thanks for that useful link I am going to try and learn about this and try it myself.
  5. I agree that access to the data by download in this way should not necessarily be free although I praise the abilities and ingenuity of the software authors who made it work. My initial thoughts were WOW, that would be great but then I realized that it would probably kill all incentive for scenery producers to really push the boundaries in producing new sceneries for us to enjoy. Let's face it, whilst google maps are amazing, it's quite often you encounter colour mismatches between images, there is no night lighting and there would be no tweaking to ensure that simulator objects are placed accurately. Supporting hose who produce products for Xplane either for their own enjoyment or as their living is of course essential if the simulator is to continue to develop. Last but not least I can't afford to be banned by Google, I use them for virtually everything these days ;D
  6. Hi I just watched those demo films. Very impressive and certainly an option to consider. Thanks for the heads up.
  7. I currently run a two monitor setup utilizing two ports from my graphics card. I very much want to move to a three monitor system so that I can avoid the join between the 2 screens being in the middle of the display. Beware if you thinking of using two screens for one large display, the join obstructs your view of the aircraft in external views. In another post a forum member suggests using two graphics cards which allows you to run perhaps 4 monitors as most recent cards have 2 outputs. I have never had a system with 2 graphics cards in it so I don't know how the system makes use of them? Can anyone enlighten me please on how it would work ? Do you just extend your desktop across all four displays and then run XPlane windowed, setting the resolution to the combined size of your 4 displays and then drag the XPlane window across them? I could of course get a Matrox Triplehead and use that, however I am worried about matching up the display quality across the different monitors. I don't think Matrox allows you to alter the gamma, brightness etc on each monitor as it's treating your three displays as just one monitor screen. If you just attach directly to your graphics cards multiple outputs then I can use the Nvidia control panel to balance the displays so the appearance matches. If multiple graphics cards can be used then will XP benefit from the power of both cards or just one ?? I wish I had the technological knowledge to understand this as having used XP across two monitors I can't wait to see it in action across three. My computer is very recent and I am happy it has the horsepower but currently not the right graphics cards. Any info greatly appreciated.
  8. I did a google search for G2xpl and can't find the file anywhere. Is it still available or has it been taken down because of some disagreement with Google or something. ?
  9. Hi John Yes it certainly does. It's not too bad in the cockpit view but it spoils the flyby views as the aircraft is smack bang where the frames meet. I have a third monitor but I will have to check if my graphics card will support three at once without using a Matrox triple box. My card is a Quadro FX1800 which is not that good for games but it has 2 PDP ports and 1DVI port. With my current setup I can use the Nvidia control panel to adjust the colour settings so they match really well. I assume that using a Matrox box, you cannot do this? Clearly 3 monitors will give you that nice clear central portion of the screen.
  10. Thats cool. Its good to know that its as good as I can get it. Thanks for the prompt reply.
  11. I use XP 9.5, TrackIR, Real Environment Extreme and my favourite helicopter the payware MBB/Kawasaki BK-117. On occaisions in heavy cloud I notice that when I look slightly down into the cockpit the clouds sometimes dissappear. When I look back up they pop back into view. Is this a known issue and if so can it be improved in anyway ? I a running the sim windowed across 2 monitors.
  12. Today I connected a second 1680x1050 monitor to my graphics card and ran XP for the first time at 3360x1050. I set my field of view to 100 degs and then went for a flight in my favourite helicopter. I have to say I am absolutely stunned at the amazing difference the extra field of view makes to your situational awareness and overall simulator experience. It has totally transformed my ability to control the helicopter (which was not bad before). Stunning, stunning stunning !!!!! I love you Xplane ;D
  13. Thanks for the link to the videos, very informative.
  14. I will gladly post some screenshots of my adventures just as soon as I have found an easy place to host them. In the meantime here is a video of my other helicopter passion ;D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw-7LUxAgos
  15. Just found this place which looks nice and friendly to newcomers so I thought I would register. I have had X-Planr v9 for a few weeks now and use it on both PC at home and on my Mac when I am travelling. I used to be a very keen simmer in the past and I am pleased to say that the latest version of X-Plane has rekindled my interest. So much to learn but being retired I am lucky to be able to devote the time to it. My first love is helicopters but will fly and enjoy anything when I get bored with the rotors. I have no real world flying experience, I took a trial fixed wing lesson once but to be honest I don't think I have the stomach for the real thing, or the wallet Anyway, all the best to all of you and thanks to whoever runs this place for making it available. Shrimpy
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