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Bamboo Cougar

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Bamboo Cougar last won the day on February 2 2013

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About Bamboo Cougar

  • Birthday 07/02/1959

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    Low and Slow. GA all the way with round engines and steam gauges, radio nav or dead reckoning. Any aircraft from the times when 100LL was a novelty. Flight model 90%, looks 10%. also... Music (Shakuhachi Flute and Blues Guitar), Family, my team at uX-Pa and my X-Plane Friends.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I don't have underwater egress training, so I'll pass on the opportunity Pete. bc
  2. Wow, ya got me here. I'm scratchin' my head. There are 2 scenery folders, one for each airport. One scenery folder is called KSPI. (version info after) One scenery folder is called KCMI. (version info after) There is one Custom Scenery folder in the root folder of X-Plane. Place the 2 aforementioned scenery folders into the 1 aforementioned Custom Scenery folder. Alright?
  3. There are 2 facilities, zipped up. Unzip each. Put each one in your Custom Scenery folder, so you have 2 new airports. That's it. bc
  4. Covering the basics first. DME isn't all that prevalent in the wilds of Alaska, but feel free to use it We picked the location we did in the heartland of the US as it is free of most of those things that distract you when trying to learn a basic instrument skill while flying - like mountains NDB on the way and ILS further down the road. The only teardrop approaches you are likely to see in this tutorial series are the ones when you bend your plane. Thank you. bc
  5. UPDATE: The tutorial listed above has downloadable scenery content as you may have read. This content has been updated and enriched. V10 has had some signage tweaks and a few objects changed to better reflect the nature of the IFR tutorial cited above. V9 has been fully populated (thanks ottopilot9) for those of you still on that platform. See the post above for the download links. Cheers, bc
  6. Hey Hueyman, Yup. I'm the guy with the bush flyin' site and the online Chapter-At-A-Time ( found here ). The novel was designed to slowly build up to what I have been awaiting, like so many of us... Pete's Beaver. The novel is meant to evoke the true spirit of the bush pilot and coast dog and this aircraft, the most venerable bush airplane of the Western World IMO. When I discussed this with Pete a year and a bit ago, he wasn't a fortune teller, nor was I. And we all know what good fortune has befallen him, with he and his lovely wife having a baby and him building a new home for his family. Thus I patiently await the release of the final three chapters, which are written, as I intend to give it the good old marketing boost when Pete shows that he has finally managed enough time to fill in the next checkmarks in the dev. boxes In the interim, there are still awesome gains in the bush flying sim world, with the Carenado 185 Bush and the STMA bush aircraft and the LES DC-3 (and maybe even a tundra-tired PC-6? ). What I anticipate is a study sim for a Beaver. And I know that Pete has what it takes to re-define awesome for this aircraft model. As for bush "expert"? Nah... less than 30 hours on the left coast of Canada looking for herring does not qualify me as an expert at all. But I'm one helluva enthusiast, that's for sure. so... altogether now.... GO PETE GO bc EDIT: FWIW, here's my fave version of "Home On The Range" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMQulBPzD9o
  7. The Patient Pilot's Lament (sung to the tune of 'Home On The Range') Oh I've got a home Where the Beaver can roam Where the Cubs and the Husky's do play Then seldom we'd hear The silence of fear When the Cessna's can't come out today Home Western AK A land for the Beavers to play You've not heard a sound 'til you've heard that big round With a Beaver there's no need to pray bc
  8. Once again, the team at EPOCH Alaska Air and uX-Pa have brought a tutorial to life, much needed by bush pilots when encountering Instrument Meteorological Conditions. We would like to offer this to you, in hopes that GA Pilots, VFR Bush Pilots and those flying above FL300 would be motivated and have a chance to try a bit of bush flying with some newfound skills. The Primer Tutorial is in .pdf format and the scenery files are for Version 10 and Version 9. Both versions have the necessary airports and tutorial items, but V10 is object-rich as well, whereby V9 is bare bones. If enough of a hue and cry comes about, I shall finish off the V9 build to the same level of quality as the V10. NOTE: THIS LINK WILL TAKE YOU TO OUR BUSH SITE'S SPECIAL TRAINING HANGAR. Directly below the banner you will find the downloads - you just need to read the paragraph to grab your files. Enjoy, and please feel free to reward us by perhaps dropping us a post here, if you'd be so kind. Membership at uX-Pa or the EPOCH Alaska Air VA is not required to avail yourself of this lesson or the scenery files. On behalf of the team, Cheers and Enjoy, bc
  9. The development team at uX-Pa (www.unex-planedapps.com) is pleased to announce our first commercial offering, due for release in just weeks. A .pdf document of the following .jpgs' is available at the end of this post if you wish, for a clearer and easier zoomable view. Thank you for your interest Joel (Bamboo Cougar, -bc-) UGP Press Kit (Detailed).pdf
  10. Raising The Bar The Week 2 Adventure is now posted and running over at X-Plane's Premier Bush and Coast Adventure Forum, uX-Pa. This time, it comes with some downloads. Specifically "one-off" airports for Fairbanks (PAFA), Steven's Village (SVS) and Tanana (PATA), all in Alaska. They are done with library objects, maintain high frame rates and specific to the airport facility. There are a few custom objects, compliments of one of our fine members, that are specific to the village or town itself. Version 9 and 10 builds available. Click the link in the first post of this thread and come join the fun in the ... EPOCH Alaska Air's "ULTIMATE SURVIVAL ALASKA" Mission Support Series bc
  11. Fancy yourself a bush pilot? How about an Alaskan Bush Pilot? uX-Pa's EPOCH ALASKA AIR Virtual Airlines offers you the opportunity to join us as we embark on 10 full support missions for the National Geographic Society as they film 8 survival-minded individuals in their television series "Ultimate Survival Alaska". Membership is not required to participate over at our Bush Flying Website but if you are a member, or wish to become one, then the process is simple and free. This will open up the member's areas where other missions, specific scenery and Job tests are happening, Online & Offline, all of the time. If however you just wish to run the Ultimate Survival Alaska mission set without membership, we've got you covered. Come on over and join us in some of the finest, most detailed and immersive bush flying that X-Plane has ever seen. WELCOME TO "ULTIMATE SURVIVAL ALASKA" - EPOCH STYLE Cheers, -bc- Excerpt from the Introduction at www.uneX-Planedapps.com website forum:
  12. Erik, up until this winter I would not have agreed with you, as snow seemed to be something that we were seeing less and less of (I'm about 250nm West of you in North Bay, Ontario). All that changed for sure - snow from October to April, and lots of it. Although I still fly a lot in V9.7 (Winterworld being one of the many reasons), I too have installed Simple Seasons by She Pooley. There were some bugs but a patch was released a couple of months ago. Although this doesn't change the textures, if you're not partial to them, it does make it work well. It may be a race to see if WinterWorld 10 or Global Warming change our land first
  13. Well that looks a whole lot more believable. Good work. bc
  14. Haha. My 11 y.o. says he's an X-Plane orphan. But Rhydian, remembering back, I think she's right. Nice thing about the Thrustmaster is you can always push it back and forth as you walk by on your way to the nursery. May be all the action it gets for a while... Congrats Pete. Wonderful news to share with everyone and that is your priority for sure. There will be times though, maybe an hour or two a day, when rather than catch a nap, you can still keep modelling Who needs sleep anyhow? There will be no other P&W rounds in my hangar until that beauty you're working on slides into her rightful place at the front and nearest to the coffee machine. bc
  15. UPDATE 1. I've collected together the downloads for the EPOCH Iditarod Adventure into one page on the uX-Pa website. 2. This includes the newly released Scenario Pack One, which now takes the freeware scenery package and the FMS/Map toolkit and gives you the missions and adventures in which to use them. 3. If you are competing for one of the prizes at uX-Pa's EPOCH Iditarod Challenge, then you will need this Scenerio Package to effectively complete the required missions. HERE IS THE LINK TO THE CONSOLIDATED PACKAGES. Cheers, bc
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