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Everything posted by ARTI

  1. Thank you... regards arti
  2. https://sound4xplane.wordpress.com/2011/03/24/beechcraft-bonanza-soundpack-for-x-plane/
  3. I vote for Su-27 family... I have fantastic pdf book about it regards arti
  4. Hi sorry for the late reply. Thank you, in case of F-18 sound it was just a basic tweak to show how easy would be to simulate such a vortexes (I already extracted such a sound and you'll find it in the new much anticipated F-16). The problem with the loops it our psychoacoustics. Humans can indentify very well any loops, our memory is really remarkable. default audio X-Plane architecture supports WAV files, mono&stereo. But we shouldn't concentrate on the old technology. Look for the DreamEngine. I'm cooperating with Conex. It's still in the works but we'll have many advanced tools on it, even ambisonia... It's good to be in touch, regards arti
  5. https://sound4xplane.wordpress.com/ Everybody is welcome... regards arti
  6. We can talk about the soundscapes, audio advanced techniques & tricks, suggestions for the X-Plane audio also on X-Pilot Forum if you wish because here is some extremally interesting airplanes in the works here. I can help you even with some sort of sound editing. regards arti
  7. For those interested in Sound Engineering in X-Plane: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showforum=99 best regards arti Artymowicz Aviation Studio
  8. Hi! I'm happy to hear about the new sound plugin for X-plane. 256 sound slots would be ok. I'm a experienced Sound Engineer working on Dolby Digital 5.1 feature films mixes since 1990 so I'm interested in high quality immersive sound... I've started with high quality streo recording of airplanes (24bit, 96kHz sampling rate) just for professional editing and use in X-Plane. Of course surround localization would be very welcome but I understand it's not easy to implement. Absolutely we are very sound oriented and X-Plane has very primitive sound system. I'm very interested in such a plugin. When can we start using it? regards arti Artymowicz Aviation
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